Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter

Cakes in form Baking soda Icing sugar Cinnamon, ground ...

Stir in softened butter and sugar together. Whip eggs in one at a time and stir well between each egg. Sift flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar and cinnamon together and stir it into the batter. Stir in grated Zucchini and sunflower seeds in. Pour batter

Mains Lemon slices for garnish Capers Pepper ...

Mix the meat with the grated onion and form forcemeat for four oval karbonader. Sprinkle with pepper and brown them in fat on either side. Sprinkle them with a little salt, turn down the heat and fry them finished, as they now desired. Grøntsagsstuvning: cut t

Cakes in form Baking soda White chocolate 30% Dark chocolate 44% ...

Eggs and sugar whipped white and frothy. Butter and chocolate melt and mix into egg mixture. Mixed and sifted flour and baking powder in the dough. The white chocolate cut into small pieces, and the whole mix gently together. The cake is put in a f

Cakes in form Icing sugar to sprinkle over the cake Wheat flour to the work surface Butter to form ...

Melt the butter and let it cool off. Term the flour into a large bowl and sprinkle the sugar in milk and crumble the yeast in the Warm. and dissolve it. Pour the milk, yeast, butter, egg and egg yolk in the flour and knead it all to a smooth, sticky dough with

Desserts (warm) Wheat flour Potato flour Butter ...

Rinse the rhubarb, let them drain and cut them just fine. Put in a greased casserole dish or pie dish. Mix sugar and potato flour and sprinkle it over. Stir in butter and sugar together, add the grated marcipanen. Stir in the egg yolks one at a time. Add th

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Findel butter in the flour and came the cold van in. assemble dough, it must be like to be a little flexible. Let the rest cold half an hour's time. Deploy the dough and line a greased pie dish. Filling: slice the rind of the pig's chest and cut it into small

Desserts (patisserie) Lemon balm or flowers URf.eks. the acid which is edible Whipped cream Butter ...

Bog: cut rhubarb into smaller pieces and cook them with sugar and Ginger at low heat for approximately 10-15 minutes until the fruit is never boil them to death, without lid, if there is a lot of juice, so the Marsh does not become too thin. Pipes along the wa

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Thaw the shrimp up in kølekabet (if they are frozen) Clean and rinse barsfileterne. Baste the fillets with lemon juice and sprinkle with salt. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Brown fish filters in butter, and add the white wine and half of the pr