Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter

Cakes in form 75 g chopped nuts or almonds Baking powder Melted chocolate ...

Butter and sugar is stirred foamy. Sift flour and salt together and collect the dough carefully antler with eggs and the melted chocolate. The dough will be distributed in the roasting pan, swabbed *) and bake in middle of oven at 175 degrees in 40-45 min. Can

Desserts (warm) EVS. grated lemon or orange zest Vanilla pod Wheat flour ...

Eggs and flour whisked together to form a smooth dough. In this whipped the boiling butter, have to thin water down with milk and tilsmages with salt, sugar, vanilla and grated Peel. Who put the butter in the pan for the first pancake, but the rest is baked

Mains Fresh pasta Coarse salt Parmesan cheese ...

Knead together and form meatballs to indgrdienserne forcemeat into small buns (2-3 cm. in diameter). Put the Meatballs in the refrigerator, while the sauce is prepared. Sauce: melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the tomato purée and vodka and let it cook for

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Vanilla sugar Butter ...

Give the sliced rhubarb a quick rehash with 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 tablespoon water. Share the eggs and beat the yolks with 1 tablespoon sugar and vanilla airy Whip the egg whites for the meringue with 2 tablespoons sugar. Mix the meringue with mass æggeb

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Fiskenene divided into 3-4 pieces like seasoned with salt and pepper, turn over in the flour and FRY in a pan in butter. Parsley sauce: melt the Butter in a pan, add meltet and stir well together, the milk is stirred in, little by little, to the appropriate

Mains Coarse salt Pepper Salt ...

Pighvaren are washed and rubbed with coarse salt. Remove the gills and guts and guilt it carefully again. Clip finders of. Grease a roasting pan with a bit of butter. Put a little parsley and dill in the fish and the rest in saucepan. Cut an incision in

Mains Pepper Curry Onion ...

Do vegetables clean Peel and grate them on a coarse grater arrow and slice the onion into cubes. melt the margarine and Brown onions came in and Brown with the meat Came the crack vegetables spices tomato puree salt and water in the pot mix it well and let

Cakes Mini m & m Eggs Corn flour cornstarch ...

Stir the yeast into the milk, add the eggs and sugar, and stir a little of the flour and then the butter in the dough. Knead the dough with the rest of the flour to the Bowl's edges, and drop is lind must then raise in 1 hour. Cream: Sugar, eggs and vanilla