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Recipes with Bay leaf

Mains Carrot Boiling Boiling water ...

Wash and rinse 4 swinish anchor (1 per person). Place in saucepan and scald with boiling water enough to cover. Add salt, Cook until soft and foam until no more foam. Add 1 serving of soup vegetables (carrot, celery, parsley, onions), 5 peppercorns, 2 whole ga

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Chopped tomato ...

Use a sharp knife, and part hummeren lengthwise. Remove stomach. Klørene crack with a hammer. Clean the fish and cut it into fit pieces. Scrub the mussels, and boxes of them that is not fresh or does not close it under cold water. Cleanse and share the fish

Sides Good red wine Bay leaf Salt ...

Got the red wine, spices and 1 tablespoon salt in a saucepan and let it slowly boil. Turn on the fondue can be accompanied by. Then you pour red wine marinade in the fondue pot and leave the småsimmer.

Sides Carrot Garlic Bay leaf ...

Cut the vegetables into cubes and fry them for 5 minutes at low heat. Add the remaining ingredients and cook in for about 15 minutes. The meat must be marinated to be laid in a bowl which is not attacked by the acid in the marinade. The best result is achieved

Mains Oregano and Basil to taste Parmesan cheese Pepper ...

All the ingredients, except the last two, place in a pan and sauté. There should be a lid on the pot, and the sauce some gruel is in 45 minutes. The grated Zucchini, and add the sauce some gruel is another 15 minutes. That season, and the sauce is served ov

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Cut a lid of squashen lengthwise and scrape kernels and pulp out, so the shells will be approx. 1 ½ cm thick. Sprinkle them on the inside with salt and pepper. Put them with the bottom of the weather and the lid on the side of a baking pan. Com 1 cm. water in

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Veal cut into large cubes, olive oil is heated slowly up a large frying pan, add the butter and melt it. Sage and Laurel leaves steamed lightly. Intensifies the heat. Kalvekøddet added in a batch operation on the forehead and Brown, stirring vigorously.

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Cut the onion in rings, chop the garlic and bread crumbs the carrots. Cut the fish into 1 day before the water boils. Dishes cooking shared it in small bites. Deep fat FRY potatoes that are cut into strips. Pour the onion, garlic, carrots and oil in a skillet.