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Recipes with Bay leaf

Mains Cous-cous Chicken stock as needed Salt ...

Chicken skin is cut with appropriate spacing and "fores" with garlic and Ginger pieces. Brush the chicken with a little chilli oil. Put the chicken in a roasting pan and add chicken stock, approximately 5 cm. Chicken FRY at 200 degrees for about 80-90 min. Sau

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Parsley ...

Party chicken into 8 parts. Pat chicken pieces dry and turn them into flour, which is seasoned well with salt and freshly ground pepper. Brown chicken in butter and oil in a large frying pan, pour in the cognac and flamber-both fat and chicken should be quite

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

The rice be in twice as much water as rice. Boil approximately 40 mins in salted water, pulls an additional 10 min Chicken Breasts Brown by in sauté pan. Seasoned. Add the onions and fry with 5 min. Add the beer, bouillon cube, bay leaf and thyme and cook over

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Chicken thighs Brown well in pan on all sides. Take the Pan from the heat and sprinkle thighs with flour and turn them into the fat. Then add the broth and bay leaf. Cook the thighs and approximately 35-40 minutes, covered, on low heat. They washed and cut veg

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Bacon, onion, chicken and mushroom fried well. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of wheat flour in stir. Add the broth, cloves, potato and bay leaf and place the Pan in the oven at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes the last quarter without lid.

Mains Salt Bay leaf Large onion ...

The fish is scraped and trimmed and sprinkled with salt. It draws 10 minutes, rinsed and dried. Onions, shallots and garlic peeled and chop fairly fine. The different onion cooked along with wine, parsley, thyme, peppercorns and bay leaf in good heat until

Salads Bay leaf Little onions Thyme ...

Set the chickpeas to soak in plenty of water for 8 hours or overnight. Bring them to a boil in fresh water add salt, herbs and lemon and cook them for a low heat for about 1 hour. Let them soak in the water while the rest of the salad made ready. Sauté the

Lunch Rye flour Salt Black malabar pepper ...

Herrings with skin side down, so that they are open. Mustard and horseradish is stirred together and lubrication caution on herring meat, near Middle piece. Rye flour mixed with salt and Malabar pepper. The herrings are closed and reversed it. The butter is