Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaf

Mains Table salt Extra virgin olive oil Fresh tarragon ...

1. Melt the butter at medium heat in a large frying pan and fry the shallots and Savoy cabbage to it starts to become soft, about 4 minutes. 2. Add the garlic, white wine, vinegar, Bay leaves and thyme, and salt and pepper to taste. Simmer a further 3 min. 3

Mains Chili sauce (can be reduced by half if one does not want the Court quite as strong) Grove easily crushed tortilla chips Handful flat-leaf parsley chopped ...

Heat a large pan with olive oil, turn the heat down a little, came in the flesh and fry it lightly for 5 min at the same time, it is broken into pieces. Minced chicken collects in clumps or else. Got carrots, onion, celery, garlic, paprika and bay leaf in,

Soups Groftkværnet pepper Parsley Paprika ...

Leeks cut into thin slices. Gulerøder and parsley root cut into cubes. Sauté the vegetables in a pan in the margarine. The flour is stirred to jævning and heldes. Salt spices and broth are added. The soup småkoger, covered, about 15 mins. Season with salt

Salads White pepper Iceberg lettuce Garlic ...

Water is poured from the beans. Onion and garlic chopped fine. Onion, garlic and beans Sauté in oil in a pan. Thyme, bay leaf, pepper, tomato juice and water is added. The beans are cooked, covered, about 5 min and cooled. Salad strimles and placed on a platte

Mains Fintsigtet bread crumbs Wheat flour White pepper ...

Grease the edge cut partially free and Striploin plastered free of tendons and loosened from the anchovies, if desired. Beef Striploin is placed on a rack over a roasting pan, season with salt and pepper, and FRY further in the oven at 225 degrees c. alm. o

Mains 1 dl. vegetable stock Bay leaf Oregano ...

Remember: Use dried beans, they must first soaked and cooked. Follow the instructions on the bag. Slice the mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes and sausage into slices. Fry the bacon in a pan. Before the bacon is fried, add the sliced sausages, finished as FRY

Mains Salt Water Ground cloves ...

Put pig comb with the fat side down in a large pot. Pour the water on, then the meat is covered half. Add 2 tsp. salt per litre of water. Let the water boil up. Foam and spices came by. Put the lid on and let the meat Cook approx. 45 min. Take the meat up a

Mains Basillikum Salt White wine ...

Culotten placed in a heat-proof platter. Carrot and onion peeled and cut into coarse pieces and place in the dish. Then add the other ingredients. The meat should pull 10-12 hours. The marinade is poured from the dish and roast in the oven at 180 degrees at