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Recipes with Bay leaf

Soups Lemon or lime juice Pepper Warm baguettes ...

The onions chopped coarsely. Sauté onion and garlic in oil with curry in 1-2 my stirring. Carrot peeled and chopped. Bladsellerien are washed and cut into slices. Tilsætes and sauté with in 1-2 min. lentils, broth, ginger, and bay leaf are added. The soup, cov

Soups Paprika White wine Oil ...

Saute the shallots, tomato boats and the redecorated mushrooms in a couple of tablespoons. oil, seasoned lightly with paprika, but not so long that it takes color. Cook the salmon tender water and white wine with added onion and bay leaf. It should be kept aro

Mains Fish heads and bones Carrot Bay leaf ...

First prepare the fish Fund by letting fish heads and legs Cook gently in wine together with herbs and spices. When it has boiled ½ hour, sies Fund from, is there more than that will be used to just barely cover the salmon slices cooked into the Fund. Sprin

Mains Crushed peppercorns Bay leaf Parsley ...

Upillede onion, halve it and heat the cut surface in a greased frying pan until it is dark brown (this will give the soup color). Got the meat, chicken, salt, pepper, thyme, bay leaf, a few stalks of parsley (and preferably parsley root) celery leaves and the

Cold cuts Salt Garlic Bay leaf ...

Chop the pork, veal and the liver as well as half of the bacon, mix it well together. Crush the peppercorns and juniper berries. Chop the garlic very fine. Got this and thyme, marjoram and a little salt (remember that a real French pâté should not be too salty

Mains Ambra Tarragon Freshly ground white pepper ...

Clean the eels very carefully, they must be very fresh, and cut them into 5 cm long pieces. Melt butter, come bury in, fry them for a moment, and then add the chopped shallots and finely chopped herbs. Let it cook a couple of minutes. The wine came in, and fil

Mains Carrot Crushed peppercorns Bay leaf ...

Subcutaneous fat meat with bacon by making some incisions with a pointy, sharp knife, and Jack bacon into the meat (you can also ombinde the meat with bacon slices before frying). Mariner animal in a mixture of wine and herbs. The meat of the deer should be ma

Mains Salt Carrot Crushed peppercorns ...

Mix wine, peppercorns, mustard, crushed bay leaf, juniper berries, thyme, garlic, chopped onion and carrot. Rub the meat with salt and put it in the marinade for about 48 hours in a cool place, turn it on and off, and baste it with the marinade. Take the me