Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaf

Mains Coriander Clove Margarine (a bit) ...

The meat is cut into cubes and seasoned with the mashed red pepper, salt, some parsley, a clove of garlic, white wine, peppercorns, bay leaf and clove. Let it rest for at least four hours. Fry the meat in margarine. When it is fried, add the marinade. Th

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Heat oven to 180 ° c. put the fish in a baking dish with 3 dl milk and butter and bake for 15 minutes. Take the fish out of the milk gently. Pour the milk into a sauce pan. Share the fish into large pieces and place it in a baking dish. Sprinkle the prawns

Soups Hvidløgsflüte Meatballs Salt ...

Wash the tomatoes and cut them into smaller pieces. Arrow to sample and share them into quarters. Put both in a pot. Pour the soup over. may and add the bag of spices. Boil the broth 3/4-1 time. Baby possibly. up with a little water. Remove may and Spice bag.

Soups Fresh Chervil Balsamic vinegar Carrot ...

-Cut all vegetables into cubes and fry them in the butter, without taking colour. Pour broth, spices and balsamic vinegar, and let the soup Cook for in the vegetables are tender. -The soup is blended into a thick porridge and serve hot with sour cream decor

Mains Black pepper Finely chopped garlic Dried oregano ...

Roughing græskarret good exterior. Cut a lid in the end where the stem sits. Foundry core and the filamentary fiber scrape out with a spoon, both of the lid and græskarret. Brush the inside with soft butter and sprinkle some græskarret with sugar into it, s

Mains Black pepper Cinnamon Bay leaf ...

Dough: Mix flour, sugar and butter and smulder it with your fingers. Knead in the egg yolks one at a time along with the wine and form the dough into a ball. Wrap it in foil and place it to cool in the refrigerator a half hour or so. Stuffing: mix the raisi

Mains Pepper Salt Plain mustard ...

Mix together the wine, mustard, half the oil and all the spices together. Put the meat in a bowl or plastic bag and pour the marinade over, cover the bowl with plastic and style it cool overnight. Next business day: Warm the last oil and saute a little onio

Mains Freshly ground pepper Maize grain from 2 corn on the COB Parsley stems thyme and/or bladselleritop ...

Came corn grains in a pan with water and a little salt and boil the water away, approx. 2 min. Chop them in a food processor. Add the corn flour, lime juice, butter, salt, sugar and pepper and run another 30 sec. in the food processor. The dough must have cons