Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The small legs along the fins can be cut / cut and the fish scratched 2/3 down the spine. Turn in flour and fry with low heat in a broken butter for 5-6 minutes on each side. Sauté spinach: Cut the roughest ribs of spinach leaves and rinse them thoroughl

Mains Fresh tarragon leaves Wheat flour Solve rice and/or bread ...

Cut the calves on the edge, so they do not make a bowl during the frying. Turn them into salt and pepper mixed wheat flour. Brown the slices on both sides of butter and oil in a saucepan. Brown the whole garlic clove with. Cake the estragon and bay leaves with

Mains Whipped cream Dark chocolate Sweet apples ...

Bring the chocolate into smaller pieces and melt them with low heat. Whip the cream stiff (not too much). Mix liquid chocolate in the whipped cream and turn over quickly - it will get a little lumpy, but it tastes good only. Tear the apples roughly and immedia

Mains Bread Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into small terns and brown them lightly into the grease in a saucepan. Spread the onions in quarters and season them too lightly into the fat. Add water or broth and season with thyme, salt and pepper. Let the dish boil under cover for half an hou

Mains Broccoli Florets Fat for frying Air-dried (like candied) red bell peppers ...

Rice the pork chops on the edge, they do not form "bowl" during the frying. Inverted egg and then in a mixture of rasp and fried cheese. Season them with salt and pepper. Brown the chops on both sides in the grease on the forehead. Muffle the heat and complete

Mains Oil/margarine to Brown meat and onions Pepper Salt ...

Onions and pepper fillets are cut into strips and chopped and chili finely sliced. Put onion and garlic on the fat. When the onions have a little color, the meat is baked in the pot. When the meat is fully divided into tiny pieces, add the cloves, pepper and c

Mains Salt Tomatoes Peppercorn ...

Cut or cut the edges of the osse buco Brown them and put the chopped onions in the pan Along with tomatoes and pepper corn salt Cook for 2-3 hours eat rice Bon appetite

Mains 1 canned annanas in cubes Fresh chilli or steadily after taste Pepper ...

2 slices of bacon rolled around the chicken brussels and brune on a pan with butter. Then put in a refractory dish and lettuce and pepper add to taste. Annas in tern are distributed around the dish (if you want it). Bananas are peeled and flaked and laid ove