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Drinks (cold) recipes

Drinks (cold) Wine alcohol Raspberry Sugar ...

Cherries udstenes, the stones are crushed and sprinkled down between the mixture of crushed cherries and raspberries and sugar in a blubber refinery clean glass. Vinspritten poured over fruit mixture. The glasses will be closed as for boiling and shake daily f

Drinks (cold) Strawberry White rum Sugar ...

The cleaned strawberries are distributed in two major clean a blubber refinery glass and rum poured over them. The glasses carefully with closed lid, rubber rings and clamps. They stand for 24 hours, then open the and the 750 g. sugar is distributed in the gla

Drinks (cold) Big ripe blackberries Wine alcohol Sugar ...

Large, fully ripe blackberries cleaned and sprinkled down in pure a blubber refinery glass with sugar. Vinspritten poured over them and the glasses be closed carefully as for boiling. So made it to in 3-4 weeks where they occasionally shaken well so the sugar

Drinks (cold) 1 stick of vanilla Large aromatic pitted plums Sugar ...

Big, ripe, juicy, aromatic plums scalded, skinned, sliced and udstenes and added a blubber refinery in clean glass. The stones are crushed, and the kernels are added around the yolk the flesh along with the fine came or chopped vanilla. So mix the wine alcohol

Drinks (cold) Orange preferably usprøjtet Vanilla pod Vodka ...

Perforer appelsinen with a fork, about 175 holes came in a glass of a blubber refinery along with the other ingredients and shake the glass to the sugar is dissolved. Let the drag 1.5 month, si it and pour it into a clean bottle. Pressure the used orange and e

Drinks (cold) Pitted apricots Cognac Sugar ...

The apricots must preferably be fairly mature for this liqueur. The skinned and udstenes and put gradually into a blubber refinery clean glass. Sprinkled with sugar. The stones are crushed and the seeds are taken out and be laid down between the apricots, whic

Drinks (cold) White rum or brandy or wine alcohol Sugar Oranges zest and juice of which ...

The yellow to be peeled off carefully without a fluff of the whites by 12 sweet, aromatic oranges. A Seville oranges in a while gives a nice flavor. The shell is filled on a blubber refinery glass and poured over with liqueur and the freshly squeezed juice and

Drinks (cold) Cane sugar or sugar alm. Strawberry Balls oatmeal-ice cream ...

Stir in milk, strawberries, sugar and ice cream together well in a bowl. Pour the mixture up in tall glass-and remember to ha ' straws in the glass. Serve the milkshaken with the same. Tips: Add if necessary. a little extra vanilla.