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Drinks (cold) recipes

Drinks (cold) 45% alcohol Large lemons into small pieces Sugar ...

Let lemons lie in certain items for 3 weeks. SI this. Melt the sugar in 1 liter of boiling water. Stir everything together and la stand for 2 weeks. Use a big bottle of this.

Drinks (cold) 45% alcohol Cloves Oranges ...

Wash the fruit well. Only grate the yellow rind. Nothing of the white. Put it into a glass along with cloves and pour rubbing alcohol over and let it soak in 7 days. Boil a syrup of sugar and water. Filter and stir the sugar bed sheet in. Pour into bottles and

Drinks (cold) Cloudberry Water Sugar ...

Put in a glass and pour the pure cloudberry rubbing alcohol over. Put the lid on and let it soak in 8-9 days. Boil a syrup of sugar and water and refrigerate. Berries from SI and smak the liqueur to with syrup. Fill in a decanter.

Drinks (cold) A few drops of green pastry color Sugar White rum ...

Pick five stems of mint (kruse Mint/Peppermint/Spearmint) mash them in a glass jar with sugar. Pour the rum over, and si from after 30 minutes. Color so the liqueur glorious poisonous green. Mint liqueur to be served ice cold.

Drinks (cold) Rowan berries Piece vanilla pod Water ...

Sour grapes must have had a frostnat (or a night in the freezer). Cleaned berries and vanillestykket placed on a bottle. Pour over certain items. SI after 2 weeks. Boil the syrup and mix it in. La mixture stand for several months.

Drinks (cold) 60% alcohol Coffee powder Cocoa powder ...

Boil water, cream, coffee and cocoa. Beat the egg yolks and sugar together. Add the hot liquid into the egg mixture while stirring vigorously. Pour all back into the Pan and cook the cautious up under whisking to the liqueur starts to tykne. Cool and mix the l

Drinks (cold) Cloudberry Water Sugar ...

Put in a glass and pour the pure cloudberry rubbing alcohol over. Put the lid on and let it soak in 8-9 days. Boil a syrup of sugar and water and refrigerate. Berries from SI and smak the liqueur to with syrup. Fill in a decanter.

Drinks (cold) Vodka 42% Lemon juice thereof Sugar ...

Let everything pulling in about 10 days. Sieve and pour in the bottle. Can be drunk almost immediately.