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Recipes with Squash

Mains Pepper Water Squash ...

First wrap the loops in a little oil. Take it out of the pan and then sweat the meat. Cut the rest of the vegetables into the tern and mix it all in the pan. Pour water until it covers + 1 cm. Add salt and bay leaves. Let it simmer for about 45 minutes or un

Mains Bread Freshly grated parmesan Olive oil ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packaging. Tear the squash roughly on a roast iron. Heat a little olive oil into a thickened pot. Season the meat, finely chopped garlic and crush chilli in the oil for a few minutes and season with sal

Pickling Atamon Ground ginger Salt ...

Squash halves are cleaned, peeled and cut into suitable pieces, laid in the layers approx. 1 day. The squashes are boiled in the water for 5-10 minutes. Till they are ready. Sugar, vanilla and possibly. Ginger is sprinkled in and it all boils 5 min. In t

Mains Pepper Salt Squash ...

Smoked medists and vegetables are cut into slices. Put in a greased fireproof dish. Make sure that there is food to cover storage due to evaporation. Stir in the court along the way so the top layers do not burn. tips: The dish can be made cheap or you

Soups Pepper Garnish-a little clipped green from fennel top Curry ...

Cut the vegetables roughly. Put the vegetables and curry in the butter. Add broth, cream, salt and pepper, put on the lid and cook the vegetables for 10 minutes. Turn off the hob and cook ready approx. 5 min at the aftermath. Cooking time totaling approx. 15

Mains Oregano Pepper Rice for four persons ...

Cut squash, tomatoes and gorgesola in the tern. Bring it to a boil with a cream / cream fraiche for approx. 5 min. Turn down the heat and allow the dish to simmer. Add coconut sausages and beans and simmer for another 20 minutes. Cook the rice while.

Mains Olive oil Broccoli Red pesto 130 g ...

Cut the breast fillets across, for approx. 4-5 slices per filet. Open the spicy tomatoes and pour approx. 1/3 of the oil in a large forehead. Fill approx. Just as much olive oil in the forehead, and the meat here increased at medium height, approx. 12 minutes

Soups Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Peel the squash and tear it roughly. Let it boil in the water. Add salt and spices. Tear the carrots and potatoes roughly. Chop the loaf and let it boil for approx. 10 min. Bring chopped meat, chopped tomatoes, boulion cubes, salt, pepper and parsley. Simmer f