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Recipes with Squash

Mains Garlic (to taste) Curry powder (to taste) Rice ...

- Prawns are thawed and pilled - Garlic peeled and chopped - Pupils are prepared - Prawns, garlic, leeks and curry are cooked in wok until the prawns have a little color. - The rice is added - Then add pepper, baby corn and squash - Leave the dish and sm

Mains Basil Parmasan Pepper ...

On a pan, cut the onion, garlic and chili sauce. Meanwhile, cook the pasta until it is al dente. Chopped squash, peppers and olives are added. Step a little. Then add the pinned tiger prawns and stir until they have the nice red color. Then add the peppers a

Mains Pepper Green bell pepper Yellow bell pepper ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. Give them a small boil for approx. 10 min. Pick them up and drop them off. Mix the chopped beef with chopped honey. Onion and crushed garlic and salt and pepper to taste. Spread the dad into the bottom of a pan

Mains Coconut milk Squash Lemon juice ...

1. Cut the meat into thin strips. (Put it in the fridge. 2. Peel the carrot, arrow onions, cleanse the porridge and blame the squash. 3. Cut all the vegetables in julienne. 4. Put the meat in hot oil at high heat in a saucepan / wok. 5. Add curry and squee

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Cut all the vegetables into suitable pieces. A tablespoon of oil is poured into a pan and all vegetables are poured in. The pores are shiny and soft. 2 broths are poured into 1 dl of water and poured into the pan. The chicken fillets are cut into strips

Soups Pepper Salt Liquid grøntsagsboullion ...

The lid is peeled and chopped roughly. The lid is switched in a pan in the oil. The pears are cleaned and sliced ​​and put into the pan. The squash is cut into the tern and put into the pan. The potatoes are cut into pieces and put into the pan. Add 1 lite

Mains Various spices Minced beef Garlic ...

Share the squash in 2 Pour the squash and put the farseen in. Put grated cheese on top. Squashne is done when the cheese is Golden / dark brown.

Mains Mushroom Fresh chili Chicken ...

This dish really occurred just after a big surplus of meat and vegetables after a single raclette. I fried the chicken in oil, which I spiced with some peppers. Then I poured all the vegetables over and a dozen chopped tomatoes and let the vegetables boil a li