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Recipes with Squash

Mains Whole grain lasagna sheets Ketchup A little extra water ...

Thaw the salmon up and possibly. the spinach Got a little oil in a pan. Slice the onion, garlic and bell pepper into fine pieces and sauté it for a few minutes. Slice the squash, eggplant, mushrooms and spring onions into pieces and sauté it with in a few m

Sides White pepper Salt Squash ...

Inserts squashene into slices 1 cm. Fry the slices in butter and salt and pepper came by. Com squash and grated cheese layered in a baking dish. Finish with a layer of cheese. Set the dish in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 150 degrees c. alm. oven. Unscrew t

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in good olive oil Take the meat off the forehead Onions and squash cut in tern and brunes Then add chopped tomatoes and corn Let the vegetables boil a little and then add the meat - let the dish 'simmer' approx. 30 min. By low heat to the me

Sides Coarse salt to taste Olive oil for frying Squash ...

Squash and tomato cut into tern. The whistle is chopped fine. Shake all the ingredients on a pan in a little olive oil until the squash nuts have taken color - approx. 7 min. Stir around with light hand once in a while. Add salt. tips: Served as an accompa

Mains Squash Spring onions and oyster sauce taste Garlic ...

First, cut the chicken or pork into strips (if not bought, intended for wok). Step it on the forehead until it's finished (about 5-7 min). The noodles are poured onto the forehead and empty a can of coconut milk too. While the meat is fried, cut the veg

Lunch (to go) Pepper Salt Sour cream ...

The lid is peeled and chopped fine. The peppers are rinsed, the kernels are removed and cut into small terns. The squash is also flushed and cut into small pieces. The egg is whipped together. Add yogurt, cream and oil and stir well. Mix the flour with b

Mains Mixed salad Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. Chop the onion, cut garlic and spring onions, sliced ​​carrots, sliced ​​squash and pepper in tern and split the broccoli into small bouquets. Heat the oil in a saucepan and season the onion and garlic. Add thyme, spring onions

Mains Fresh basil Wheat flour Pepper ...

Fold the fish and season with salt and pepper. Turn it in flour. Heat the butter on a pan. Step the fish 4-5 minutes on each side. Heat a little oil in a saucepan and saute the finely squash and cut garlic for 2 minutes. Add sweet chili and halved tomatoes