Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Squash

Mains White pepper Salt Butter ...

The mustots are chopped and sautéed. Add the shredded carrots, leeks and squash and let the vegetables sweat for a couple of minutes. Grease an ovenproof dish, and add the vegetables to the bottom with peas. Put the sour fillets on top (fillet of, for examp

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Oil, chopped garlic, lemon juice and finely chopped herbs are mixed and the salmon is marinated in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes. The vegetables are cut into strips (choose like peppers of different colors), sautéed in butter and season with salt

Mains Oil Broth Fresh chili ...

Mix the bouillon with spring onions, chilli, vinegar (apple cider vinegar can also be used), soy, ginger and sugar. Stir the salmon fillets in wok or on the pan with half of the broth mixture. Take the fish up and keep it warm. Bring the rest of the mixture to

Mains Cream Fresh basil Oil/butter ...

Redfish fillets are rinsed and dipped dry and seasoned with salt. Leave the fish to stir in a mixture of oil and butter on the skin side for approx. 4 min. - the meat side must be food In the first minute of the cooking time, it is an advantage to squeeze the

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Place the salmon pieces on a plate of baking paper, sprinkle salt and pepper, cover the fish with baking paper and baking in the oven at 200 degrees C for approx. 20 minutes. Stir the butter with lemon juice and finely chopped estragon. Boil the sliced ​

Mains Water Oil Sour cream 18% ...

The aubergines are cut in cm. Thick slices along and sprinkle with a few teaspoons. Salt and then pull for 1 hour. Then they are lightly pressed, so some of it bitters as well as coming out. Sauté is then gently golden in olive oil - it takes approx. 15 minute

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Clean the vegetables and make the pigeons. Melt spoon into a saucepan. Thoroughly rub the pigeons into the pan, then pick them up and keep them warm. Stir the vegetables in the grease until they are golden. Put the pigeons back in the pan and flamber with t

Mains Pepper Oregano Salt ...

Squash is ripped and sprinkled with salt. Draws 1 hour, rinses well and seams free of moisture. Mix with the other ingredients, but some of the cheese is stored. The mass is poured into a flat greased form. The rest of the cheese is sprinkled over. Bake a