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Recipes with Squash

Mains Peas (frost) Basil Bechamel ...

Turn on 200 degrees (hot air) Brown the meat and onions. Then add all the other ingredients close to bechamel. Then alternately put meat with a little bechamel on top and lasagne plates. Saw it in the preheated oven for about 25min Just say a man next

Mains Watercress Mushroom Lemon ...

Whip the marinade together. Turn the sirloin pieces in and leave them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Take the sirloin pieces and grill them approx. 5-6 min. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Small grilled potatoes: Add new potatoes and turn

Mains Basil, dried Oregano, dried Pepper ...

Lasagna: Carrots, onion and squash are chopped roughly. The beef is chopped brown in oil in a saucepan. Add all vegetables to chopped tomatoes (like with basil / oregano) and add purée. Let it simmer for a while. Put meat sauce and lasagna plates into la

Bread, buns & biscuits Flax seed Salt Wheat flour ...

Lightly water and mix the yeast into it. Add quark, fine grated carrot, finely grated sqush, salt, linseed and grahamsmel. At last the wheat flour was kneaded until the dough is a fountain. Let it rise approx. 1 hour. Beat the dough, knead it well and form it

Mains Pepper Salt Presst ...

Soak the squash and tear them roughly. Push them out of the hands with your hands. Whip eggs together with flour, garlic, garlic, salt and pepper. Stir the cracked squash into the egg yolks. Heat the olive oil on the forehead. Pour approx. 1 dl of the mas

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Clean and scrub and dry the sea urchin and split it into 2 fillets. Sprinkle with salt and pepper inside. Lubricate an ovenproof dish of appropriate size. Chop leeks + carrots + squash + garlic finely. Put the vegetables in a little oil in a pan for approx. 5-

Cakes in form Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Bicarbonate of soda ...

Whip eggs and sugar together into an airy mass. Add the oil in a thin jet during whipping Stir vanilla sugar, wheat flour, grahamsmel, baking soda, soda and salt in the egg yolks. Turn the rinse and grated squash into, pour the dough into a greased spring fo

Cakes Icing sugar Water Baking soda ...

Stir sugar together with the egg until it becomes full, then squash the tomatoes and mix with the chopped hazelnuts and the rest of the ingredients. The dough is stirred evenly and placed in a frying pan. Baked at 180 degrees for 1 hour. tips: The cake is