Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Squash

Mains Dill preferably fresh but dried can also be used Pepper Salt ...

Squash and bell peppers cut into cubes, mushrooms skives and toasting on the forehead. The fish is placed in a dish, the lemon squeezed in addition. The fish sprinkled with salt and pepper and well with dill. The vegetables are added over the fish Boil 3-4

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Forcemeat kneaded together and shaped to 4 rissoles which turned into flour. FRY 6-7 minutes on each side. Squash flan: cut squash into slices. Chop the onion and garlic. Sauté onions in olive oil until they are clear. Add the squash, garlic and chopp

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Koteletterne seasoned with salt and pepper. Invert the first in flour, then in beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs. FRY on pan in butter or margarine 4-5 minutes on each side. Ratatouille: vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes. Came the oil in the

Various Chilli powder Creme fraise Paprika ...

First, rinse the vegetables. Then cut them into bars, then there will be four beams, of the three different vegetables. Find a small bowl speed, the size, with a cat's food bowl, how about. Pour a little paprika and chilli powder, and mix it well together,

Mains Mushroom Pepper fruit Squash ...

cut the vegetables into the "large" squares. or appropriate pieces. Came, alternating meat and vegetables on the spear. Grill it to kødsaften is ready. CA. 10-15 my. Tips: Delicious for a summer day.

Lunch Fresh chopped parsley Pepper Salt ...

1 dl rice cooked in 10 min. with 2 dl water and a little salt. Then, they pull for 15 minutes, covered. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes. A frying pan with the oil warms up, and the vegetables roasted on the forehead in 4-5 minutes at medium heat

Mains Pepper Salt Tomatoes ...

Chicken fillets with a knock, events. A tablespoon. cream cheese placed on each chicken fillet and greased out. On top of the cheese, a slice of bacon. Chicken fillets rolled together on the filling and fastened with a kødnål. Rensens vegetables and cut into r

Mains Squash Dried chili Chopped tomatoes ...

Brown meat in oil with onion. Bell pepper and squash cut into small cubes, leek into thin slices and Add. Chili, and peder blend in and finally the tomatoes and water. Let it boil, covered, on low heat in cost. 45 min. Smooth mixture with marizena and season w