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Recipes with Onion

Mains Cherry tomatoes Pepper Juice of ½ lemon ...

Pour the tuna into a sieve. Stir cream fry with yogurt, chopped onion, capers and mustard. Season with salt, pepper and lemon. Turn the tuna into the dressing and style the sauce covered in the fridge. Cook the pasta as indicated on the package. Serve the past

Lunch Whole milk Eggs Onion ...

Tuna finales with a blend or a fork. The lid is chopped and added together with the other ingredients, the father must be stuck. Shaped and roasted as regular meatballs.

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

The mashed tuna and the little chop leaked. Then mix all the ingredients together into a smooth farmer. Form the dad with an oiled spoon to small fry panels, roasted in hot oil, approx. 2 minutes on each side. Eaten with brown rice and lots of green salad.

Mains Together the beaten egg for brushing Eggs Vinegar ...

The butter is crumbled in the flour. Add salt, vinegar, egg and water and mix the dough. The dough is rolled out to a rectangle approx. 30 * 35 cm, placed on a baking sheet with baking paper. Mushrooms are cut into quarters, and peppers are cut into cubes. The

Mains Together the beaten egg for brushing Eggs Vinegar ...

The butter is crumbled in the flour. Add salt, vinegar, egg and water and mix the dough. The dough is rolled out to a rectangle approx. 30 * 35 cm, placed on a baking sheet with baking paper. Mushrooms are cut into quarters, and peppers are cut into cubes. The

Appetizers Onion Miracel whip Tuna (oil or water) ...

Eggs, cucumbers and onions are chopped in the tern. It is all stirred together and finally decorated with tomato boats. Set cool 1/2 hour.

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Chop tuna and onions in small pieces and mix all ingredients together into a smooth farmer. Form the dad with an oiled spoon to small fry plates, fry in hot oil approx. 2 min on each side. Eating with lots of green salad and brown rice.

Salads Apple Tomato Onion ...

Pour the water from the tuna and mash them well. Boil the pasta. Among the raisins, the apple in small tern, the tomato in both, peas and corn, the pepper in the tern, and the little onions in the tern and mix all the ingredients.