Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Put the meat in the oil until it is light brown. Add finely sliced ​​onions, garlic and chili. Add tomatoes. Let simmer about 10 minutes. Add the beans in tomato sauce and season with peppers, salt and pepper. Served with bread.

Lunch Herbal salt Powdered cloves Curry ...

Rice and lentils rinse thoroughly in 3 warm and 1 warm water. Drips off in a sieve. Onions and garlic are peeled and cut into slices. The ginger is peeled and torn on the fine side of the grater. If the coconut milk is not bought in can, you can make

Salads Chives Sugar Vinegar ...

The boiled potatoes are cut into slices or cubes. The lid is peeled, the apple is peeled, and both are cut into cubes. All the ingredients are mixed and placed on a dish. Lightly mix mayonnaise and whole milk and season the spices. The dressing is tasted. The

Salads Lemon Pepper Chives ...

The potatoes are peeled and boiled - cooled and cut into mundane pieces. Chop onion and cucumber thoroughly and mix with the cheasy fry, add curry to taste with salt, pepper lemon and sugar. The potatoes come in when they are cooled for a couple of hours

Salads Italian dressing Cucumber Pepper fruit ...

Potatoes are cut into slices. Pepper, cucumber and onion cut into thin slices or strips. Everything is mixed with the beans and sprouts.

Salads Oil Onion Lactic acid fermented cucumber slices ...

The lenses are rinsed and boiled in water. Vegetable decoction for approx. 10 min. The loaf is chopped well and the tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into pieces. Mix it all together with 1 tablespoon of oil (for example, timel oil) and herb salt (eg Trocomare

Sides Pepper fruit Onion Cooked kidney beans ...

Sauter onions soft in olive oil and the rest cut into smaller pieces are added. Leave it small for 5-10 minutes. Finally add the beans.

Mains Veg. bouillon Potatoes Onion ...

Mix 4-5 dl soy / sesame milk with 3-4 tablespoons Tartex / sandwich cream and 1 teaspoon of veg. broth. The raw potatoes and onions are cut into thin slices and laid in a large flat-refractory dish. Pour the liquid over. Bake at 200-225 ° for 30 min.