Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Cold cuts Onion Veg. bouillon (URf.eks. plantaforce) Garlic ...

Lentils, chopped onion and garlic boil for approx. 30 minutes and then blend together with the rest of the ingredients.

Mains Curry Chick peas, canned Olive oil ...

Sauté shredded cabbage, leeks and onions in olive oil. Add finely chopped garlic and curry. Carrot and leaf celery cut into smaller pieces and get in. Then the rest and 1-2 dl of liquid. Leave all small lacquers for approx. 10 minutes.

Mains Pepper Chives Oil ...

Turn the herring fillets into rye flour and put them in oil. Stir the marinade well together and pour over the herring fillets. The silk fillets may stay in marinade for several days before use, they will only get better. I would like to share the herrin

Mains Basil, dried Chili strong, encountered Oregano, dried ...

Dough: Dissolve yeast in the water. Mix the rest together with the lukewarm water, but save flour to brush on. Eat the dough a lot - and sprinkle a little flour and cut a spoon and let the dough raise under a clean dish. 30 minutes. sauce: Onions and g

Mains (8-10% fat content) Peas from 20 whole pods (or 100 g green peas) Groftkværnet pepper ...

Grill crepes Divide the chopped veal into 4 equal parts, knead the meat with your hands and form 4 crepes. Put them on a plate and cover them with household movies. Place the plate cool, until the grill and the remaining accessories are ready. Brush the hot g

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Marining (the day before): 1. The beef should be marinated, so find a suitable dish that is not too big and put the meat in it. 2. Clean the onions and bugs and cut them into small pieces. Put them over the meat with garlic, bay leaves, thyme, salt and pepper

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Ratatouille: Lubricate a refractory dish of olive oil and first add slices of eggplant sprinkle with salt, then slice of squash, then strips of onion and pepper and chopped garlic and finally slice of tomato, season with thyme, salt and pepper and pour approx.

American hamburgers recipe
Mains Grape cucumber. pickled Hamburger buns Iceberg, lettuce ...

Chopped well and chopped. Add the beef to the onion, garlic and worchestershire sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Let it take 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then let it rest outside the refrigerator for 20 minutes. The meat is formed in 4 steaks of 160 g