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Recipes with Onion

Sides Salt Garam masala Onion ...

Heat the wok over hot heat until it smokes, add oil and turn cardamom 30 sec. Add onions and spices 1-2 min., Add okra and tomatoes spoon 3 min, garam masala and the finely chopped coriander. Serve immediately for curry dishes or barbecue meat.

Mains Corn starch Pepper Salt ...

Stir the meat with 1/4 teaspoon salt and add grated onion, crushed garlic, rasp and egg. Season with salt and pepper and form the dad for small buns. Brush them twice in a warm wok with oil. Add finely chopped ginger and chili. Sprinkle with broth and soy a

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

Pour oil into the wok and warm it up. Slide the oil around so that the sides of the wok are lubricated. Bring finely chopped ginger, finely chopped garlic and chilli and shake it for a moment. Bring chicken into the mouthpiece pieces and brown them a lit

Mains Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Clean the vegetables, carrots cut into fine shells, pepper, mushrooms, cabbage and celery cut into thin slices. Remove the skin from the chicken breast and chop the chicken meat into thin shoots. Peel a piece of ginger and tear it on the fine side of a grater.

Soups EVS. 1.5 dl sour cream Pepper Red or green bell pepper ...

The meat is cut into cubes and wrapped in the margarine. Bacon cut into cubes, onions in both, and both switched with. The tomatoes are scalded, flaked, cut into both and added together with garlic, spices and water together with the butter. The soup cooks

Mains Fresh chopped dill Milk Oregano ...

Gather the ingredients into the casserole in a bowl. Pour the dough into a greased pie (22 cm in diameter). Bake it for 10 minutes in a 200 degree hot oven on the second row. Peel or scrape carrots and peel onions and cut them into small pieces. Heat oil an

Soups Lemon Garlic Coriander ...

Juice 7 of the tomatoes, half of the cucumber, half the onion, herbs, lemon, celery celery, garlic and peppers. Pour the juice into serving dishes. Chop the other ingredients well, but keep them apart. Arrange them in seperate small bowls and refrigerators. Wh

Soups Cayenne pepper Onion Sesame seeds (unhulled Brown or black) ...

In a coffee mill, coriander, bowl and cardamom seeds are mixed together. The sesame seeds blend into fine powder. Add onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic and celery celery and add the spiced spices + turmeric and cayenne. Blend until it is uniform. Several tom