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Recipes with Onion

Mains Minced parsley Onion Oil soya/maize ...

Chop the groove roughly. Peel the carrot and cut it into cubes. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Heat the oil and season the remaining vegetables. Turn it down and simmer it under the lid approx. 10 minutes. Cut the cucumber into quarter slices and s

Appetizers Pepper Salt Carrot ...

The chicken is boiled tenderly with water, onion, carrot, salt and pepper. Cool. Pour all the meat of the chicken and cut it into smaller pieces. Add 1/2 l of the soup to a creamy lot with the cooked onion, carrot, walnuts and french bread. Possibly. Add a lit

Sides White pepper Garlic Onion ...

Brown the finely chopped onion with oil with all the spices. Add broth and sliced ​​vegetables and let the whole simmer to the vegetables are tender.

Sides Salt Onion Light broth ...

Arrow and heel loosened. Peel the tomatoes, flake them and chop them. Chop the aubergines in the tern and let them draw 1/2 hour sprinkled with salt. Heat well half of the oil in a deep pan and raise the aubergines golden. Remove them from the forehead, pour o

Sides Oil Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes and onion tear roughly. The cracked potatoes and onions are pressed / knocked free of moisture. Mix potatoes, onions, eggs, salt and pepper well together. Shaped into small flat biscuits, cooked in the oil on a hot forehead. Step about 3 -5 min

Mains Lemon Pepper Grated lemon peel ...

Cut the meat into the tern at approx. 2 cm. Roll the onions and cut the mushrooms into slices. Put brown meat, onions and mushrooms in the margarine on a pan and gradually put it into a saucepan. Sprinkle with pepper and add water, broth and lemon peel. Put th

Mains Pepper Salt Veal ...

The meat is cut into large terns, the onions finely chopped, the tomatoes are flaked, and released for kernels and purified in a mixer. Bring the meat in half of the oil with the onions, add the tomato mash with 1/2 liter of water, spice. With salt and pepper,

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled chopped tomatoes ...

The meat is cut into 3x3 cm cubes. The meat is baked in margarine, the onions are chopped and swirled. Garlic, peppers, peeled tomatoes and broth are added. Sprinkle together for approx. 45 minutes. The peppers are cut into cubes of 1x1 cd and added. Sprink