Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Sauce Pepper Boullionterning ...

The chops are browned on the forehead and laid in a fireproof dish. Season with salt and pepper. Arrow slipped and tear it in the tern. Cut bacon into strips. Sweat bacon, then loosened, thus raising the fat. Add water, tomato paste, boulion and cream 9%. L

Mains Chili Pepper Rose paprika ...

Melt the butter on a pan. Brown the chops on both sides and season with salt, pepper and lots of peppers. Put the chops in a fireproof dish and bring the frozen peaches over. Brown chopped onions and garlic on the forehead and pour tomatoes in. Then bring c

Bread, buns & biscuits Ground pepper Sugar Onion ...

Cut or cut bacon into cubes. Pour and chop the bulbs roughly. Shake onions and bacon on the forehead. Bring the mixture into a bowl. Add the milk and stir the yeast out. Bring the remaining ingredients into the bowl and knead the dough until it is uniform. Put

Mains Fine bread crumbs for Breading Green peas Hazel back potatoes ...

The freshly caught hornfish are cleansed, scraped and rinsed; Find cut off. The fish is deboned. When the fish is ready, sprinkle it with a little salt and "pull" approx. ½ hour in the fridge. The salt is rinsed off and the fish is divided into suitable pie

Mains Pepper Salt Sour cream ...

Scratch, if any. Flesh and let it stand for 30-60 min. Brown the fat in a sufficiently large frying pan so that the steps do not lie completely to the edge. Turn the ladder and brown it well over medium heat. Peel the onions and cut them in both. Let them f

Soups EVS. 1 marvben Chopped flat-leaf parsley Salt ...

Put beef breast, chicken and possibly. Marvben in a large pot and pour cold water over so it covers. Bring it all to boil by steady heat and foam thoroughly. Come 2-3 whole carnations in the loop. Add the vegetables, onion, spice pie, pepper and salt. Bo

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Boil the meat with water, salt, pepper, bay leaf, thyme and parsley approx. 2 hours. Arrow the bulbs and cut in quarters. Peel potatoes and carrots and cut them into large pieces of approx. 4 cm. Remove the outer leaves of the cauliflower. Cut the stick and

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Oregano, dried Parmesan cheese. Reef ...

The aubergines are cut for approx. 0.5 cm thick slices sprinkle with salt and pull approx. 10 min. The eggplant is diced with a piece of paper roll. The eggplant is placed in a frying pan. The meat sauce is prepared Meat sauce: The onions (in small tern