Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Various Chili Fill: (your choice taste) Pepper ...

The dough: All ingredients are well mixed with elpisker A pan is heated and poured into a thin pancake. They should not be completely finished, but light and soft, only so they can be reversed and removed. Fill: Meat brune in a saucepan or a wok with a

Mains Pepper Salt Curry ...

The meat is cut into centimeters of large pieces And brown in margarine. Cut mushrooms swirled with. Then chopped onion spices and halved tomatoes. Spread it all up with water and water if the meat is covered and boils for about 1 hour. When the sauce is s

Soups Sour cream Garlic bread or other flutes Marizenamel or other jævning ...

Chop the garlic and onions roughly, chop them in grease in a saucepan. Boil water and the saucepan. Crumble Boullon. Chop tomatoes and cook in the pan. Take the saucepan off the heat and blend the whole contents to a steady amount. Put the pot back on the h

Mains Veal and pork. chopped 16% Onion Water ...

Illegal should be roughly torn. Spinach must be thawed and twisted well for water and chopped afterwards. Meat, onion, spinach, water, salt and pepper mix well, then add flour to the desired consistency. Form them for free dishes and stir in medium heat

Mains Lemon juice Thyme White cabbage ...

Risotto: Start roasting the finely chopped onions, they must not color but just get transparent. Now come in and get them calm and quiet. When the rice has become slightly transparent, add the wine and let it boil almost completely away. Then get the lemon le

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cubes in 1 dl. water ...

Tear the bell celery. Blinds mushrooms and nuts well. If necessary, chop about 1/3 of the nuts a little coarser. Mix the celery with mushrooms and nuts and add the chopped onions. Then mix the 3 eggs in. The broth and raspberries are now mixed in the pulp, t

Mains 0.5 TSP. Sambal oylek Pepper Salt ...

Cut and chop the vegetables into suitable pieces. Melt the butter in a large pot of oil and curry and let the curry "burn off". Season the onions and garlic until they are golden. Add vegetables and sweets until they have thrown all the veins. Add tomatoes, br

Mains Duck fat (from Christmas or from canned) White potatoes Pepper ...

The eagle birds rub on the forehead in hot fat. Put in a small refractory dish and cover completely with duckweed. The dish is covered with staniol and put in the oven at approx. 90 degrees for five hours. Sovs: baked onion sauce, or possibly bearnaise sauc