Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Sauces Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Chop onion and garlic nicely and light them in oil. Add white wine and chopped tomatoes. Add the basil and oregano and bring the sauce to the boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes. Add if necessary. Some water. Eaten for spaghetti and other

Mains Pepper Eggs Green bell pepper, diced ...

The chopped meat and eggs and spices mix. The potatoes are ripped or mashed and added together with the flour. It is stirred for a smooth father with milk. The peppers are cleaned and cut into small terns. Cheese, pepper and cream are stirred together. Th

Mains Pepper Coarse salt Water ...

Tear the 2 onions or put them in a blender, Put the grated onion in a bowl Add 3 eggs eaten, Add 1 dl. water, Put the dough into the mixture and add salt and pepper. Stir the dough together and then add the rasp until the daddy is lame and firm. The fath

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Stir the minced beef with egg, add the cream a little and stir well. Add potato flour and stir well. Then stir chopped beetroot, a bit of red-bed juice, finely chopped onions, chopped parsley, soy, salt and pepper in. Form the father as a little french brea

Sauces Pepper Salt White wine. dry ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Chop sliced ​​well and put it on a pan with the butter for a few minutes (hard heat). Add the mushrooms, season them with salt, pepper and peppers. Let it fry until all liquid is evaporated. Add cooking cream and w

Lunch Ground pepper Eggs Egg yolk ...

Take the butter dough forward and thaw up spinate Take off the salmon and cross it Peel and chop chopped chop dill turn on the oven 2.50g Switch leaked into a pot half of the butter came in the bed and simmer a few min Cloves with pebbles. Take the pot of

Mains Pepper Dill, fresh Salt ...

Onion quickly swirls in a saucepan, then add beef and brune. Finally, add salt and spices. It is spread to the bottom of a dish or pie. The potatoes are cut into thin slices and laid in layers on top. Flow the cream and sprinkle with salt. Bake in the oven f

Mains Mushroom Bacon, diced Grated cheese ...

Cut the potatoes into slices (peeled) into the bottom of an ovenproof dish, grind the terns and pour the potatoes together with bacon and mushrooms and sprinkle salt and pepper or all around spices. If you like corn you can put it in. Finally pour the cream an