Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Butter Water Celery ...

Fund: Clean the pheasants for any. Remnants of ingots and feathers. Cut them out in thighs, back and chest pieces. Brown thighs and back in a pan with 2 onions in a quarter, 1 carrot, ¼ celery in tern and parsley stalk. When the onions have taken color pour w

Mains Juniper twigs A little broth Pepper ...

The chicken dries up. A jar of rice is half filled with one-piece wine and put on a grid on the bottom groove into a hot oven 175 degrees. Meanwhile, chop the chicken into 4-6 pieces with salt, pepper and rosemary letbrunes in butter on a frying pan, and

Mains 1 or 2 less pheasants A little parsley Meljævning ...

The pheasants are cleaned and filled with the ham cut into cubes, chopped onion, parsley, salt, pepper and basil. The bird closes with a toothpick. Then broth in butter, season with salt, pepper and fry with onions in slices and carrot in cubes and add broth a

Mains Garlic Curry Paprika ...

Pour the water from the tuna and wrap the meat on a dry pan with chopped onions until the onions are soft. Season with spices. Cut the rice slices into strips. Each strip is shaped into a cage housing that ends in a loose snip. The chopped house is filled with

Soups Cognac Pepper Salt ...

Peel the onions and cut them into thin slices. Slowly chop them in plenty of butter until brown and caramelized. It takes time, turn them along and make sure they do not burn. Cut the slices into slices and dry them in the oven at 180 degrees until they are

Mains 1 vegetable bouillon Pepper Salt ...

Start with the heating oil then put the lint in and they turn until golden. Blow the garlic clove into a garlic press and let them sweat for about 1 min. Take the hk tomatoes and come in and then take the rest and come in. Leave the small simmer under the lid

Mains Lime or lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Chop onion and snack pepper fine. Chop spinach. Cut mushrooms in slices and tomatoes in quarters. Put onion and snack pepper in a little oil on the forehead. Add the mushroom slices and finally spinach. Turn down the heat and stir for a couple of minutes un

Mains Dijon mustard Potatoes Parsley ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices and put them on a hot forehead with butter. Wipe out the tern and put them in a pan of butter. Then brown the meat together with lies. Mix the cream and mustard together in a bowl of salt and pepper. And remember to t