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Recipes with Onion

Mains Oil Pepper Minced parsley ...

The lenses are flushed well, boiled for 20 minutes and drained. Onions, garlic and peppers are chopped well. Carrot tears fine. The almonds chopped fine but died with a little "bite". All ingredients are stirred together. The father rests ½ hour. The fri

Mains Butter Potatoes Apples, Red ...

Heat the oven up to 220 degrees C. Alm. oven Chop onion well. Cut the cabbage into strips. Cut apples into both. Season the onions in oil until they are ready. Bring cabbage, fish broth and vinegar in and stir around. Bring a boil and boil 10 min. Too low h

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

To the dough: crush the butter into the flour and salt. Put the egg (which is) therein and collect the dough until it is firm. Place it on a spoon sprinkled with flour and roll it out with a baking roll. Put it in a pie shape and cut the dishes with a scissors

Mains Flutes Pepper Chili powder ...

Cut the camel meat into small tern of approx. 1 cm. And put them in a saucepan. Peel and cut onions and carrots and put it into the pan. Let it sweat until the meat is browned. Add the spices and coconut milk and allow the dish to simmer in min. 2 hours.

Mains Allround spices Milk (not needed) Margarine ...

potatoes Take '6-8 big potatoes and peel them. Cut them ½ and cook them in a saucepan. When boiling, add a little salt, turn slightly on the heat and let it boil for 20 minutes. ca. When done, cut them into smaller pieces. While the potatoes boil you can p

Mains 1 finely chopped chili Grated Parmesan cheese Cream 13% ...

The cabbage is chopped medium-sized. The loop is halved and cut into thin strips. Bacon rose golden. Onions, garlic, chili and cabbage are added. Sauter 5 minutes. Add cream and allow to boil a little. At the same time cooked pasta. When the pasta is fini

Mains Milk as needed Hvidkåls head, fine cut Onion ...

Peel and chop the potatoes in the tern and give them a boil. Chop well and swirl it in a large pot or a frying pan. Brown the meat with the loaf. Add the boiled potatoes and stir the whole thing well. Add the cream and let it boil a bit thick and then add

Mains Pizza/tomato sauce Cauliflower head Onion ...

The cauliflower is cut into coarse pieces and blended well. Pour it into an ovenproof dish and place it in the oven at 225c for 10-15 minutes. (Can also be cooked in microwave for 8 min) Wash and cut mushrooms, peppers and onions. Mix 40g of cheese with cau