Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Cold cuts Bacon Wheat flour Onion ...

Chop liver, hearts and onions. Mix it all and mix it well. Adjust with milk so daddy becomes lind. Take advantage of the dough in the hills and put bacon slices on.

Lunch Pepper Salt Encountered mild chili ...

Licked pills and torn well. The peppers are cut into small terns. The sheet celery is cut into thin slices. The herring fillets are cut into small pieces. Garlic peel and squeezed. Greek yogurt stir together with garlic. Chili and tomato ketchup. Onions,

Mains Cayenne Pepper (optional) Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken fillets into mundane pieces. Arrow peeled off whitewashed. Cut the groove roughly. Clean the mushrooms in large slices. Peel and chop the carrots into slices. Cut the celeriac into the tern and cut the peel off. Peel one of the apples and cut i

Soups Oil (to sear vegetables in) Pepper Salt ...

Sweat the onion in a saucepan. Then add the other vegetables and turn them short. Add the bowl, chopped tomatoes and tomato puree. Let the dish boil for 20 minutes. Cook the pasta in a saucepan separately. Season the vegetables and blend them. Add as many

Mains Butter for Browning Beef broth Mushroom ...

The meat is cut into the tern. Onions are cut into slices. Carrots cut into slices. Mushrooms are cut into slices. Brown onions and pick them up. Brown mushroom and pick them up. Brown meat and pour broth and tomato paste on. Let the meat simmer for 2 hours

Buffets Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Set the oven to 225 degrees Lubricate a muffin to 12 with butter or oil Peel the carrots and cut them into small terns Bring them tenderly and crispy in oil on a pan Take them up and place them in the 12 small molds Chop loose well and turn it golden on t

Soups Chili Garlic bread Jævning ...

Peel pumpkin and free it from kernels and "indoors". Cut pumpkin, onion and garlic into coarse terns, and wrap it in a saucepan with grease. Add broth, made of 0.75 liters of boiling water and about 2 broths. Let it all cook for 15 minutes. Blend your mi

Mains Pepper Salt Mushroom slices, glass ...

You take a pork tenderloin and chop it and cut it into steaks that you can easily beat. Afterwards salt and pepper sprinkle on a frying pan with plenty of butter After that, they are not completely cooked steaks in an ovenproof dish. The sauce is made by