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Recipes with Onion

Base recipes Lemon juice from here Fennel Leek ...

Vegetables and fish legs are chopped roughly and stewed hard in the pan with white wine. Add water to cover, add lemon and bring to a boil. After 20-30 minutes without lid, fish and vegetables are sourced and the water comes back to the heat with lemon juice,

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken broth ...

Boil broth so it is ready to add. Cut onions and chops in oil and butter on mild heat for approx. 1 min. Turn up the heat, add rice and the whole is heated for another 2 minutes. Then add white wine and after it has been taken into the rice add a dl broth.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Chop all the ingredients roughly and mash them with a spelled blender (or else) Served for beef, pork or lamb. Ideal for culotter.

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Boil broth so it is ready to add. Cut the onions and peppers, crunch garlic and season with tomato puree and oil for mild heat for approx. 1 min. Meat is added and cooked for a further 5 minutes. Turn up the heat, add rice and the whole is heated for anothe

Mains Oil or margarine Pepper Salt ...

Remove if necessary. Fat and tendons from the meat. Screw the onions and cut them into slices. Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. Cut the meat into slices. Stir the onions golden in a little butter on a forehead and brown meat Put onion, meat an

Mains Oil for Browning Pepper Paprika ...

Season the finely chopped onions and garlic in oil until they are clear and golden. Add the chopped meat and stir until the meat has split. Add rice and spices and mix well together. Pour broth and tomatoes on and lay tight on the lid. Allow the dish to sta

Mains Barbecue Pepper Salt ...

Cut potatoes and onions in slices. Cut each chicken into 8 pieces. Put potatoes and onion in a large ovenproof dish. Sprinkle salt and pepper between layers. Pour cream on. Lay the chicken pieces upstairs and sprinkle them with barbecue. Put the dish in

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

You brush a little bacontern on the forehead so it will be deliciously crispy. Take the meat, cut a pocket in which you can lay a few slices of onion, then fill the garlic cheese, if necessary, close with a meatpin. You are laying the steps on a piece of sta