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Recipes with Bacon, sliced

Mains Feta. 60i Sundried tomatoes in oil Garlic ...

Chopped Sun-dried tomatoes blended together with pressed garlic. Mushrooms chopped and added. It all blended together with feta cheese. pork tenderloin is cleaned. The cut half way through. Filling immerse the tenderloin and bacon added upstairs. FRY at

Salads Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Cut bacon slices into cubes and fry them crispy. Boil pasta screws and let them cool off. Dressing: mix together the yoghurt/creme fraiche with the pressed garlic. Add the cucumber and radishes cut into small cubes. Season with salt and pepper. Just before ser

Mains Bacon, sliced Green pepper Small can of cocktail sausages ...

Cut the ham meat into 8 large cubes that are wrapped with bacon. Clean the mushrooms. 'S to sample and share them into quarters. 'S peberfrugten and cut it into 8 pieces. Let coctailpølserne drain away and roll a half slice of bacon on each. Each skew

Mains Juniper Cream Magarine/butter or canola oil ...

Bacon wrapped pork tenderloin slices with about 1 cm. overlag (until fidussen then use the toothpick, if desired, without taste as retention of bacon). The Pan is heated up to "bacon temperaturs drawing" and in the meantime before the loin shall be laid on the

Salads Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Balsamic vinegar, light ...

Clips or cut the bacon into small pieces. Increased the very crispy and pour them dereftr over on a plate with paper towel and cool off. Part broccolien into small florets, the stick can be cut into thin slices if you want to save. Pour over broccoli piece

Mains 15 halved cherry tomatoes Delicatessen paprika Oregano ...

Cut the bacon into small pieces and sauté in the pan for this it is crunchy while the pasta is boiling. Chop the chili fruit fine and FRY this in the Pan along with the pressed garlic clove, paprika, oregano and the halved cherry tomatoes. Mix piskefløden with

Mains Fat from the meatloaf Potato water or cold water Pepper ...

Meatloaf: FRY bacon (diced) in the Pan, so it is crisp. boiled water and put grønsagsboullionterningen in, stir with a fork until it is dissolved. blendt onions and eggs together. mix all ingredients together (use also the fat from the bacon you've done, it gi

Mains Pepper Salt Mustard ...

Sauté the sliced peppers, and mushroom porere, without the tar coloring on the forehead, and it came over in a greased casserole dish. Cut the tenderloin into 8 patties, Brown on both sides and season with salt and pepper. Butter steaks with mustard and