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Recipes with Bacon, sliced

Mains Salt Chopped tomatoes, if desired. with onions or oregano and Basil Mexico spice or other spice ...

Beef, flour, spice, salt, grated cheese Mexico (save a handful) and chopped tomato mix and stir well. Be in a heat-proof platter, a handful of cheese sprinkled on top of forcemeat. Bacon being placed on father's bread. Put in oven at 200 degrees c. alm. ove

Mains Margarine Pepper Salt ...

Bang the eggs into a bowl and whisk together with cream, baking powder, salt and pepper and whisk lightly. Add the ham strips. Butter a baking dish with magarine and pour the mixture in it. Bake in oven about 40 minutes: hot air: 180 degrees Alm. oven:

Mains Paprika Wheat flour Water ...

The meat is rubbed with garlic, sprinkled with paprika and Brown in margarine in a saucepan. Heat tempered, water is added, and the meat is cooked for 15 minutes, after which it is taken up, cut into thick slices, and place in an ovenproof dish. The tomatoe

Receptions Toothpicks or cooking sticks Brown sugar Bacon, sliced ...

Svøbes into the sausages in bacon. Secure the bacon to the sausage by sticking a toothpick through the sausage Put the sausages in a single layer in an ovenproof dish. Any of the glass. Got a layer of brown sugar over the sausages. Bake at 175 degrees c.

Cold cuts Salt Bacon, sliced Leverpostej in foil tray ...

Turn on the oven at 150 degrees. Remove the lid of the leverpostejen and insert it in the middle of the oven. Clean mushrooms carefully and cut them into slices. Melt the margarine in a skillet, let the shower by. Roast mushroom slices of good heat, f

Appetizers Flat-leaf parsley Bacon, sliced Chicken broth ...

Brislerne blanched. Parsnip, celery and parsley stems snapped core of. Brislerne steger, covered in hønsebouillonen with parsley stems and Peel parsnips for about 30 min. Parsnip core cut out and FRY hard on the forehead until they get color. Brislerne cut int

Mains Sour cream Dijon mustard Garlic ...

Forcemeat is stirred with sherry, finely chopped onion, nuts, eggs, bread crumbs and salt and pepper to taste. The apples cut into narrow boats. Butter a small refractory with oil and "build" a kind of lasagna, by switching between layers of sausage meat an

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

With a sharp knife and carefully cut the Turkey Breast so you get 2 equal flat pieces. Bank them easy interface. Thaw the spinach and season with salt and pepper. Advantage first then the cheese and ham on top of the spinach. Now roll the Turkey Breast t