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Recipes with Bacon, sliced

Salads Dijonsennerp Spring onions chopped fairly finely Sugar ...

The bacon cut into small paragraphs and toasting to Brown in a frying pan. The pasta is cooked according to instructions on the bag and cool with cold water. The dressing is stirred by cheasy fraise and herbs, season with sennerp, sugar and lemon juice.

Mains Pineapple in slices Baby corn Bacon, sliced ...

Koteletterne Brown on the Pan and then added in a heat-proof platter. Bacon Brown in the pan. All of the ingredients (cream called) FRY, in the oven dish in the oven 30-40 my. Tips: Served with rice and salad

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Cut chicken breasts twice and came across Apple, both in the two pockets. Wrap each breast into bacon. Season with salt, pepper and thyme and the crushed garlic, place them in an ovenproof dish and put them in the oven approximately 30-40 minutes at 200 degree

Mains Bouillon cube, chicken Herbes de provence, dried Salt ...

Came the spices on the chicken breasts and twist the bacon around. Place them in a heat-proof dish and water and bulliontern came by. style it in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. furnace in good a ½ hour. Eventually smoothed over the cloud to gravy.

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The minced meat mixed with eggs, milk, garlic and spices, diced feta is expected eventually in. Then down in a heat-proof platter and formed into a loaf of bread and cover with bacon writes. 1 hour in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Sauce: Tomat

Mains Broth from the dish Dill, fresh Tarragon, fresh ...

The passphrase carefully the largest leaves from the cabbage. Steam pointed cabbage leaves in boiling water with salt for about 3 min. Take the leaves up, and cut the grossest of middle rib of (the 5 leaf cut out and used to cover the holes from rib). Cl

Mains Pepper Horseradish, planed Salt ...

Thighs seasoned bacon into strips and Brown. Turn the sliced onions, chicken liver and thighs in and FRY. Put groftsnittet cabbage over and fill halfway with water and let the Court cook at low heat for 40 minutes. Taste good and sprinkle with planed hor

Mains Large bell peppers Bacon, sliced Fresh fettuccini ...

Mushrooms, rinsed, cleaned and cut into slices as FRY in 5 grams of butter. Sprinkle with a little coarse salt. Pour væden and came from the mushrooms in a bowl. Fry the bacon crisp in a large frying pan and place on a paper towel. Turkey Diced Chicken a