Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Sauces Peanut or corn oil Water Crushed yellow bean sauce ...

Pour water, sugar, yellow bean sauce and oil into a wok or pot. Heat it over low heat for 3-4 minutes or until the sugar is completely dissolved, stir constantly so that it blends into a lind sauce. Leave it cool and serve when it has got room temperature.

Lunch (to go) Oregano, dried Salt Sugar ...

The dough: The yeast is stirred in the lukewarm water. Sugar is added - afterwards the oil. List of flour was kneaded in - kneaded well, preferably on stirrer. Salt + The rest of the flour is added and kneaded until the dough is cool. Raises for approx. 1 ½ h

Desserts (cold) 1 couple of tablespoons. water or vinegar Egg whites (about 3 egg whites) Sugar ...

The egg whites are whipped very stiff together with half of the sugar. There may be stirred. Some water or vinegar in. The last sugar is reversed in the pinch egg whites. Put the margarine on a baking sheet with baking paper. The mass can be used for kisses

Pickling Lemon Water Sugar ...

Shake the flowers free of dust and any insects, and put them in a jar together with the sliced ​​lemons, tartar and sugar. Pour boiling water over. Stir in the mixture and leave it for 4-5 days. Put flowers and lemon slices off, and pour the juice on cleanly s

Sides Fresh chili Lime juice thereof Onion ...

The tofu is drained and wrapped in a clean whisper. The tofu is placed between two plates pressed together, so the tofu is less moisturized and can soak up more marinade. Ingredients for marinade are mixed. The tofu is cut into squares and descended into th

Sauces Pepper Salt Pickled Green peppercorns ...

First peel the bulbs and cut into thin slices. Melt the butter and let the loaves fry until they are soft and golden. Add cranberries, peppercorns and orange juice and let the whole cookie cook for 4-5 minutes until the berries break. Then get the sugar in and

Salads Marjoram powder Pepper Salt ...

Rinse the cranberries. Step the onions ready in the margarine and add the berries. Stir frequently around until it is mashed. Add sugar and add sherry and thyme. Cook for 5 minutes and evenly with whipped cream. Season with salt, pepper and possibly. A little

Sides Lemon peel Orange peel, grated Sugar ...

Rinse the cranberries in a sieve in cold water and pour over ½ dl. Water in a pan and bring to a boil with at least 3 dl. sugar. When melted, add the berries and cook for 6-8 minutes. Take the pan off the fire and add the shredded shells. Pour the compot in