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Recipes with Shallots

Mains Bouquet garni which consists of A handful of freshly planed parmesan Freshly ground pepper ...

Ratatouille: Ratatouille base can be made the day before. The tomatoes are scratched at the bottom and blanched in boiling water for 8 seconds, then they come in cold water. The skin is removed and the tomatoes are divided into 4, with a knife removed the cor

Sandwiches A little lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

The shallots are peeled and cut into thin boats, from top to root. Fish, white wine, vinegar, mustard and peppercorns are boiled. The salmon is poached (cooked gently) in this layer, remember to remove any foam from the salmon during cooking, so that the fund

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Spinachaut: Spinach is blanched and pressed free of water. The onions are chopped and sautéed in butter. Add the spinach and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. The spinach is placed at the bottom of a refractory dish. Cannelloni: Cook the lasagna plates f

Cold cuts Oil Salmon ROE Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Free the salmon for any. Legs and skins. Chop it through the fine holes in the meat chopper. If you have a food processor you can use it instead. Gently stir the dad with the finely chopped onion, mustard and the cleaned roast. Season with salt, pepper, oil an

Mains White pepper Pepper Salt ...

Place the salmon pieces in a greased fireproof dish, lubricate with a little butter and season. The white wine is poured and the dish is covered with foil. Vaporize in the oven at 180 gr. For 10-15 min. Garlic sauce: The fish fund is boiled and leveled with

Mains Cream fraiché White wine Olive oil ...

Arrow slipped and cut it roughly. Season it in olive oil until it is shiny. Add white wine and apple juice or cider. Cook it to about 1 dl of liquid Add cream and cream fraiche - cook, add butter and salt and pepper Peel and chop the apples into small cubes Ad

Mains Shallot for garnish Ginger Peking duck (2500-3000 g) ...

Clean another. Wipe it and tie a string around the neck. Hang it to dry in a cool and airy place for 4 hours. Fill a large wok with the boiled water. Add ginger, chopsticks, honey, rice vinegar and sherry. Let it boil and evenly with maizena with constant stir

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Melt the butter in a thickened pot over even heat. Add finely chopped onions and peppers and cook for 4 to 5 minutes until the onion is golden. Add finely chopped garlic and turn for 30 seconds. Stir tomatoes, broth, okra cut into thin slices, mustard, pepp