Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Shallots

Appetizers Whole black peppercorns Salt Carrot ...

The ingredients for the court bouillon are boiled together for 20 minutes. The sauce: To the curry of the court-bouillon it will boil for 1 dl. Asparagus is boiled, 3 minutes for the green and 4-5 minutes for white asparagus. With the short cooking time, t

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Fresh chopped parsley ...

Clean the mushrooms with a brush and cut them into small terns. Finely chopped mustard and parsley gently shake in a little butter. Add the mushrooms, season with salt and pepper and let the dish sautere on the forehead for approx. 5 minutes until the liquid h

Appetizers EVS. minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Pill the shallots and chop them nicely. Put them in a pot of white wine vinegar and white wine and cook for half (3-5 min.) 150 g of cold butter is cut into small tern and whipped for a little at a time. The sauce is kept warm but must not boil. Season with sa

Appetizers Pepper Cold-pressed olive oil Rosemary (or 1 teaspoon dried) ...

For ragouten boil red wine, olive oil, rosemary, thyme and 1/8 liters of water. Scallops are peeled and quilted and served together with the whole pilled garlic. Boil under low heat for approx. 10 min. Mushrooms are cleaned, quarted or cut in half depending on

Mains A little lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Ripe the fat and rub with salt. Place the meat on the grid in a small pan with brown fund. Place it in the middle of the oven at 200 degrees C. Alm. Oven for approx. 25 minutes. Pak stepped in and let it rest for 20 minutes. Then it rose further approx. 15

Mains Pepper Rosemary Salt ...

Keep the lamb cool and remove excess fat and barrier. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Distribute the potato slices into a refractory dish. Cut mustots and garlic in quarter pieces and spread them around the potatoes. Then put the reheated club

Mains EVS. little jævning Coarse salt Pepper ...

Rinse thoroughly and thoroughly clean the "worm" or allow the butcher to help. Remove tribes and tendons. Dip the heart with paper from the kitchen roll. Sprinkle some salt and pepper into the heart. Bowl of parsley. Assemble heart and fasten with meatballs. S

Mains Wheat flour to pudring Olive oil for frying Pepper ...

The liver slices are sprinkled with flour and seasoned with salt and pepper. On a pan, the slices of light pink rose in olive oil over low heat - 5 minutes on each side. The lemon slices are taken from the forehead and covered, and in the same oil the finely c