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Recipes with Shallots

Sauces Pepper Salt Added a spske mustard ...

All the pistachio nuts are chopped and a little bit taken for later. Onions and garlic chopped roughly. Onions, garlic and nuts are switched off (remember to store some nuts). They should not be switched long. Then comes white wine vinegar (Here's how much "so

Sauces EVS. 2.5 dl. cream Fresh Rosemary (or dried) Fresh thyme (or dried) ...

Melt some butter and turn onion, garlic and tomato paste. Bring balsamic, thyme, rosemary and good with pepper and let it boil for a "thick pasta". Now pour the red wine and bring it to a boil. Now simmer until it's cooked heavily in at least half and prefera

Midnight snacks Black pepper Cap full of vinegar Shoulder of pork ...

Meat, pork and pork nuts, peppercorns, Laurel, thyme and salt come in a saucepan. Pour water over so it covers. Boil for 3 hours until the meat is very tender. Take the meat and let it cool. The soup is sown and boiled (including powders and piglets) - str

Salads Freshly ground pepper Sugar Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and sliced ​​them. Boil in low salt water (only cover the potato slices for about 8-10 minutes until they are almost tender. 2 chopsticks are cut into tern and swirled in margarine. (The bulbs may only change color). Add flour and disperse

Mains Pepper Smoked salt Thyme ...

The Portobello mushrooms are cleansed and cut into as small as you can, the finer the better. In a bowl, add the other ingredients and the whole is well kneaded together. Form 4 steaks and put them on the forehead or on the grill. Keep in mind that minced b

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper A little sweet chilli pepper Fresh dill ...

Free the salmon to the skin and bones and cut it into small cubes. Chop the chopped mustard and the dill well. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and chop the chopped onions without coloring. Season with freshly squeezed pepper. Mix the salmon and dill wit

Appetizers Shallots Lime Parsley ...

The salmon piece is finely chopped, possibly. In blender, cream fraiche, finely chopped onion and parsley (about ½ teaspoon) stir in, the consistency must be as touched father. It is spiced with pepper, the salmon is enough enough. A slice of bread is cu

Appetizers Balsamic vinegar, wine vinegar Olive oil Water ...

The salad is rinsed well, diced dry and handy in suitable pieces, the salmon is cut into fine slices. Mix oil, water and balsamic vinegar with finely chopped mustard and spicy basil, season with salt and pepper. On the plate, first put red, then green salad an