Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Shallots

Sauces Lemon, the juice of which Butter Shallots ...

Pour onions and turn them on a pan in butter. Bring the cleansed and sliced ​​mushrooms together with thyme leaves. Then add the cream fry and let the sauce boil thick. Season with lemon juice and salt.

Mains Pepper Salt Fennel ...

Boil the new potatoes in salted water for 15-20 minutes and pil them Release the tails of the virgin hair by removing the head and the skull. If frozen frozen seafood is used, they must be thawed first Pour the shallots and chop them very fine 1x1 mm. Cu

Mains EVS. 1 glass of calvados Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees C. alm. oven. Peel the fat edge of the veal in the tern and season with salt and pepper. Put it in a frying pan of a suitable size and fill the fillet for approx. 1 hour in the oven. When using a step thermometer, the center

Mains Cream 13% Medium peeled potatoes Semi-skimmed milk ...

Cut the potatoes into thin boats. Blanch the onions and cut them in both. Grease an oven-proof dish with oil oil and enjoy potatoes and onions. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Whip whole milk and cream together and pour it over. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes

Mains Laurel Pepper Rosemary ...

brill: Put the griddle in a refractory dish. The calf fund is boiled and poured over the fish (to cover most of the barley). Add grated lemon peel, half-lemon juice and 2 dl olive oil. Leave the oven in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Depending on the size of 150

Mains White pepper Salt Butter ...

The mustots are chopped and sautéed. Add the shredded carrots, leeks and squash and let the vegetables sweat for a couple of minutes. Grease an ovenproof dish, and add the vegetables to the bottom with peas. Put the sour fillets on top (fillet of, for examp

Mains Pepper Salt Flat-leaf parsley ...

Stewed icing fillets: Spice the fillets with salt and pepper, roll so they are uniform in thickness and place in a refractory dish. Pour 2 dl fish fund into the bottom of the dish, cover with stanniol, and steam the fish in the oven at 190 degrees for 10-12 mi

Mains Lemon usprøjtet Chopped dill Cucumber ...

Cutting: The fillets are folded so they have the same thickness and season with salt and pepper. Pour fish fund and white wine into a pan and place the fillets in the layer. Bring the pan to the boil, turn it down and allow the fillets to steam for approx. 2 m