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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Subcutaneous fat the meat with lard strips, season with salt and pepper and place it in the roasting pan. Brown back at 250 degrees c. alm. oven for 15 minutes. Heat the FAT or oil (like the remaining smoked lard) and pour it over the meat. Com broth by.

Mains A sprig of thyme Filo A little fat for frying ...

Udben Club meeting. Let the Club get to room temperature before you start frying. Season Club with salt and pepper. Put the mallet in a greased baking pan and set it in a 200 degrees oven for about 45 minutes, the mallet is finished, done when it has a tempera

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Begin with hash-sauce. The ureelle meat deboned sinew and fat. It is cut into fine cubes and FRY in a little butter and seasoned with thyme, marjoram and add bacon cut into small cubes. Sauté well through it all. Chicken meat is run once through a mincer and

Mains EVS. chopped parsley for garnish Pepper Salt ...

Cut red onion into small pieces, celery slices and celery into cubes. Warm the oil and butter up in a large frying pan. (Including Brown shoulder later.) Pour the herbs in and fry over excessive heat, for it has been color. Cut apples with Peel into small p

Sauces Pepper Salt Shallots ...

Boil the broth into the half. Grate mushrooms and finely chopped onion in a frying pan. (cut the mushrooms into the possibly less uniform pieces) Whip the butter in the indkogte broth. Mix the mushrooms and onions in. Season with salt and pepper.

Appetizers Pepper Salt Butter ...

The eggs boil smiling, about 6 minutes. The cabbage is picked by the stem and thoroughly rinsed and blanched in boiling water for a few minutes. Rinse thoroughly in cold water and pressed free of moisture in 2-3 bullets. Chop coarsely with a knife. The c

Buffets Turmeric to taste A little lemon juice Pepper ...

The cream is stirred with mayonnaise and season, turmeric is added to the color you want. Herring fillets cut into small pieces, and place in sauce with chopped egg and onion, and pulls in at least an hour. Garnish with egg and tomato.

Mains Duck fat Jævning A little salt ...

Dry other well both exterior and Interior. Sprinkle it with salt and pepper inside and out. Bind second up with cotton yarn. Put it with dorsal side upward on the grate over the roasting pan and Brown it at 250 degrees C for 15 minutes. Turn the other and B