Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Nutmeg, freshly grated ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees c. alm. oven. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Take the Pan from the heat. Add the flour and milk. Put the pan back over heat and bring to a boil while whipping. Add the lemon zest, salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. Simmer about

Mains Bouillon cube Onion Salt ...

Peel celery and cut into approximately 1 cm. large cubes and boil them in salted water for about 10 minutes. The water should just barely simmer-not bulder Cook. Take the cooked celery dice up with a slotted spoon. Father: Stir the minced pork and veal cool

Sides Carrots Rest the Bowl leaves Onion ...

200 g Chestnuts carrots, fiddle parsley, onion cut into small cubes, thyme, salt, pepper chestnuts by scratches on the tip with a cross, placed on salt and toasting in on 180 degrees about 30 minutes. Peel and pit removed. Sauté vegetables in oil along with sa

Mains Pepper Salt Sage leaves ...

Stir the ingredients for filling together. Rub the Turkey inside and out with lemon juice and salt. Fill it, but not too hard, the stuffing swells up a bit. Neck skin can also be filled. Close the Turkey with kødnåle. Butter the outside with 50 g butter. Put t

Mains Pepper Juice of half a lemon Salt ...

Golsad tamper-proof, either by by Blanch them in 5 minutes or bake them in the oven in 8-10 minutes, remember to carve them in the top first. Skorzonée roots must be cleaned with a brush. Then the skralles, and halved lengthwise then Cut into 3 cm. long ste

Mains Pepper Salt Marjoram, dried ...

Dough: Knead all the ingredients for the pie dough together, use if necessary. a food processor, so it goes easily, and then put the dough in a cool 1/2 hour. Roll the dough out and line a pie dish, approx. 24 cm in diameter, with the dough and the cool style

Sauces Pepper Salt Mustard ...

Melt the fat and flour came in Behind it, along with the cream;. Let it boil well through and season with salt, pepper and a little mustard. When it is boiling take the Pan from the heat and the cheese melts. Stir into the sauce is like a soft cream.

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Puff pastry rolled thinly, set out with a large teacup. When all "the cups" are ready made a mixture of onions, feta, Spinach flavoured with salt, pepper and nutmeg. This is distributed on the "cups"-be so half of dough folded over the filling-Press firmly wit