Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Possibly 100-200 grams of feta cheese Possibly 8 Tbsp. red wine Pepper ...

Share the meat into four pieces. Put 4 incisions in each and every connector small slices with garlic in. Take a suitable piece of aluminum foil so that it will be room for all the ingredients inside. Butter a little butter on the foil. Put a piece of meat

Mains Watercress, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Brown pork chops in butter, season with salt and pepper. Let them cool. Deploy puff pastry, not too thin. Advantage RAUNCHY on koteletterne and place one on each dejplade. Pak puff pastry well on koteletterne and brush with the beaten egg. Set on wax pap

Mains Garlic salt Pepper Salt ...

The meat is seasoned with garlic salt and freshly ground pepper. Slices fried in plenty of butter on a hot pan for about 30 sec. on each page. Then be in a heated heat-proof platter Servers with new potatoes and your favorite salad, and bread Is also delici

Mains Pepper Salt Ginger, fresh ...

Fillet of Brown in a little oil and sprinkled with thyme, lemon zest and grated ginger and seasoned with salt and pepper. The potatoes are washed, cut into both and rolled in chopped Turkey bacon and garlic, dysses with salt and place in baking dish along w

Sides EVS. a little port wine Pepper Salt ...

Mushrooms cleaned and quarter. Onion peeled, chopped very finely. Onions Sauté until they have been blank, then add mushrooms, when the liquid is boiled out of champignonen, add white wine and this is reduced by half. Add whipping cream and this is reduced to

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Finely chopped onion ...

Mix a father's and fill it in a "non-stick"-shape lined with puff pastry. Close the puff pastry quite close and make a chimney in the Middle so that the steam can come out. Behind the at 175 degrees for 30 min When it comes out of the hot oven, make that herbs

Mains Pepper Red currant jelly Salt ...

Put the meat in a large bowl/pot together with the herbs/kryderrierne. Pour the red wine over and let stand in a cool place overnight. Flip it once in a while, so all the meat coming into contact with the marinade. Take the meat out of the marinade and Pat

Appetizers Lemon juice Iceberg Pepper ...

Soak the gelatine in cold water. cut the rind of the ham and blend it with the sour cream and leeks. Cloud water from the gelatine and melt in a bowl over a water bath. Stir the lemon juice in and flip it around the ham mixture. Whip the cream and turn it in.