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Recipes with Pepper

Sides Fresh cut Basil to taste Pepper Salt ...

Turn lemon juice, lemon zest, salt, pepper, olive oil and Basil together to form a dressing. Cook the pasta according to instructions on the package and return the freshly boiled pasta with lemon dressingen. Can garnish with additional planed parmesan or roast

Mains Frying oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken into pieces of approximately 2 x 2 cm. Whisk eggs together in a deep dish. Stir in bread crumbs, parmasanost, salt and pepper together friskkvernet in another shallow dish. Paner chicken pieces by first turning them in egg, then in bread crumbs

Appetizers Pepper Salt Finely chopped cucumber ...

Halve avocado fruits and remove the stones. Scrape most of the fruit into a bowl. MOSS it and pour the juice of the lemon over 1/2. Chop eggs and cucumber fine cut leeks and mix it into the avocado Marsh (save possibly a little for garnish). Stir sour cream in

Mains Good bread Garlic Pepper ...

While the duck breasts yet is letfrosne remove skin and fat. Brystfilleterne cleaned of tendons and membrane and cut into narrow strips, approximately 1 cm. Grønstsager cleaned and carrots cut into "money" thickness. The onion chopped fine Celery stalks cut

Cold cuts Dyrelag Pepper Salt (much like nitrite salt) ...

The meat is cut to size so you get so square piece as possible, this one cut from distributed in the sausage Studded cut into thin Slices to be allocated to Battle along with the spices either no. 1 or no. 2 Rolled together lengthwise by Kødtaverne and stitche

Mains Allspice Pepper Salt ...

Forcemeat chopped through along with the striped pork. Stir together with the spices. Put in the bowel and is ready to fry.

Sauces Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan. Stir in the flour, and stir continues around a small minute's time (the flour afbages). Add the milk ad 3 times, since the sauce after each addition, beat well blank. When the sauce is cooked through for a few minutes, season it

Sides Pepper Salt Crushed garlic ...

Pour a tablespoon of red wine vinegar in a tall, narrow Cup. Add a little salt and pepper and Dijon mustard. Stir it together well. Add pressed garlic and finally oil. Whisk the marinade thoroughly together URf.eks. with a mini whisk, until the texture is smoo