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Recipes with Freshly ground pepper

Soups Ciabatta bread Lemon thyme or tarragon Freshly ground pepper ...

Shake the celery pieces until they are barely tender in a large pan of olive oil. Shake the mushrooms with the last minutes and season with salt, pepper and thyme or estragon. Pour a little green broth in the pan with the sun-dried tomatoes and let it all spin

Soups Freshly ground pepper A little oregano, fresh or dried A little cane sugar ...

Cut the tomatoes in half and shake them quickly in olive oil with onion and garlic. Sprinkle sugar, sprinkle with oregano, lettuce and freshly ground pepper and add broth and artichoke hearts. Heat the sauce through and season well with spices. Cook the pas

Mains Fresh Marjoram or Basil Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Cut aubergines, courgettes, peppers and onions in a little rough piece. Wrap them in a frying pan with a pair of cloves of garlic. Sprinkle olive oil over, sprinkle salt and pepper on and behind vegetables grew at 235 degrees, 20-25 minutes. Pour all the ve

Mains Freshly ground pepper Pepper Salt ...

Meatballs: Begin to put the 16 wooden spoons into a bowl of water. Then they do not burn later when they come to the grill. Mix the chopped meat with a little salt in a bowl and stir to a solid lump. Add chopped garlic, chopped parsley, cumin and freshly gr

Mains EVS. 3 fillets of smoked trout to fill the shape with small portions Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Cut the 300 grams of red meat in the tern and grind them into a smooth father with egg whites. Place the dad in the freezer for 10 minutes. And gently stir the cream from the ice-cold daddy. Season with salt and pepper. Add finely chopped dill and the 300 gram

Mains Steaks Freshly ground pepper Sauce ...

Potato flakes: Mix the cheese and potatoes in a bowl. Put the potato mixture into small peppers (a about 1 1/2 tbsp.) On 2 plates with baking paper. Press the tops flat (about 7 cm in diameter). Dip the flakes with butter and sprinkle them with a little peppe

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little water and butter Pepper ...

Appelsinløg: Cut the onions in slices and saute them for a moment in a little water and butter. Sprinkle the onion slices and boil them in the orange juice until they are completely tender and the dishes are well-cooked - approx. 1/2 hour. Season with salt an

Appetizers Cucumber into thin sticks Freshly ground pepper Toasted rye bread ...

Baking time: Approx. 55 min. At 200 ° Microwave oven: Approx. 10 min. At full power. Slice the eggplant along and dot the meat sides with a fork. Place them with the meat side down, on a plate of baking paper. Bake the eggplant in the middle of the oven.