Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Freshly ground pepper

Lunch Freshly ground pepper Lemon juice, freshly squeezed Water ...

Decorate with casserole and serve bread

Mains Freshly ground pepper Herbs from hen Egg white ...

Pork tenderloin: Pork tenderloin trimmed cut into medallions and beat well. 15 g of butter are melted in a saucepan or similar and the cut vegetables are sautéed therein. Finally, the piquant cheese comes in and it is well mixed together. The cheese-green m

Mains Basil fine cut Freshly ground pepper Good oil or butter for frying ...

Onion brune with sugar, tomatoes are added and boiled well. Apples and celery are brought together with sage and garlic. The mixture is heated gently. Tastes well with chilli sauce and basil. The sauce is half filled into a refractory dish or in a serving b

Mains Bouquet garni which consists of A handful of freshly planed parmesan Freshly ground pepper ...

Ratatouille: Ratatouille base can be made the day before. The tomatoes are scratched at the bottom and blanched in boiling water for 8 seconds, then they come in cold water. The skin is removed and the tomatoes are divided into 4, with a knife removed the cor

Mains EVS. butter Freshly ground pepper Chopped rødlåg ...

Start making the marinade. Whip oil and 1 dl. Orange juice together in a bowl, first half of the juice, then the rest. Whip 1 tbsp. Lime juice and 1 1/2 tbsp. Liquid honey in. Peel ginger root and tear 1 1/2 teaspoon. Whip it in marinade with a little salt. Po

Sauces Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Water ...

Bring water and onion in a pan and bring to a boil. Boil the onions with low heat and under low for approx. 5 min. Add creme fraiche, salt and pepper and warm sauce through for approx. 3 min. Taste like Serve the sauce together with potatoes for eg meatballs o

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Cream ...

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, butter an oven plate with melted butter or oil. Heat the oil in a thick frying pan, raise the fish on both sides until it is golden and tender, remove it from the forehead and let it dry on a kitchen roll, let it cool and ch

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Melted butter ...

Cover a frying pan with stanniol, butter the stanol with melted butter, whip the butter lightly and creamy with an electric whip, spice herbs, lemon peel, lemon juice and parmesan cheese and whip until it is even. Get the spice butter on the fish pieces by