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Recipes with Freshly ground pepper

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Onions and garlic peeled and cut very nicely. Heat the olive oil on the large pan, sauté onion and garlic in the oil. At the same time open the can and cut the tomatoes into smaller pieces after which the juice and tomatoes are poured. Sprinkle with salt and p

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Garlic ...

Boil 5 l of water in a large pot of 2 tablespoons of salt, pour the spaghetti and cook in a pan until it is al dente (taste it!) Peel the garlic and cut into fine slices. Heat the olive oil slowly in a large pan. Stir the garlic gently in the hot oil. They

Sides Freshly ground pepper Salt Water ...

Squash peeled, freeze for kernels and cut into smaller pieces. Cook the pieces in leached salt with added merian until they are so tender that they can easily be mashed. The water is poured from the squash, which is steamed dry in a pot without lid. Squash mos

Mains Freshly ground pepper Plenty of oil for frying Salt ...

The squash is torn fine, put into a bowl with 2 tsp salt. Leave for half an hour, pour the pulp into a sieve and squeeze the juice with your hand. Herbs are chopped well in the food processor. Squash, egg, flour, pepper, peppers are added and mixed in the f

Cold cuts Freshly ground pepper Pate Eggs (size large) ...

Take the skins off the duck breast pieces. Remove if necessary. Remains of feathers (save the skins). Cut one breast piece into 3 strips on the long side. Cut the other into smaller pieces. Remove the tendons from the veal and also cut into smaller pieces.

Mains Freshly ground pepper Pepper Salt ...

Begin to put the 16 wooden spoons into a bowl of water. Then they do not burn later when they come to the grill. Mix the chopped meat with a little salt in a bowl and stir to a solid lump. Add chopped garlic, chopped parsley, cumin and freshly ground pepper

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse sea salt Pepper ...

Sprinkle the steaks with coarse sea salt and freshly ground pepper, then brush with a thin layer of oil so that they do not stick to the grill. The steaks are grilled, depending on the size, for approx. 6 min. On each side until they are medium - let them drag

Mains Freshly ground pepper Sea salt Chopped scallions ...

Turn the meat pieces into flour, seasoned with salt and pepper. Brown on both sides in a pan or on a pan. Remove the pieces of meat, place them in an ovenproof dish and pour the grease off. Add garlic and anchovies, pour wine and let it boil for a few