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Recipes with Freshly ground pepper

Mains A raw egg yolk A toast or a slice of French bread EVS. additional grillkryderi ...

Turn on the grill. Lubricate if necessary. Grill grill with a little oil. Grease the chopped meat on the bread. Season with salt and pepper and possibly. With additional spice according to taste. When the barbecue is ready, the paris steak comes on the grill,

Sides Freshly ground pepper Olive oil Herbes de provence (French spice blend) ...

Scrape the potatoes and cut if necessary. The largest in smaller pieces. Boil them in water with salt at low heat and under low for approx. 12 min. Pour the water from the potatoes and steam them dry. Stir the provence and boiling water together in a large

Mains Freshly ground pepper Tender twigs of Rosemary and/or thyme Squash in coarse pieces ...

Grease a large pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Put the frozen (not thawed) chicken breast and all the vegetables cut into large bites. The carrots can be cut lengthwise, like the squash and possibly. the peppers. If you want potatoes in (good!) They are p

Salads Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Water ...

Bring water and salt to boil in a saucepan. Add the potatoes and cook them at low heat and under low for about 12 minutes. Or until they are tender. Pil the potatoes and let them cool off. Stir freshly, water and other ingredients together. Cut the potatoe

Sides Freshly ground pepper Salt Potatoes ...

Peel potatoes and celery, and cut both into large cubes. Put them in a pan, cover with water and let them boil under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Store 3 dl of boiling water from potatoes and celery and pour the rest from. Mashed potatoes and celery with a ma

Lunch Chili mix spice grinder Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Cut the slice into slices and sandwich in a 20 cm pan to glassy over even heat. Squeeze garlic and add Cut chicken into the tern and chop with a few minutes Cut the sweet peas in bites and turn to thawed. Pour egg powder over. Eggs: Whip 4 eggs with cre

Salads Freshly ground pepper Salt Cooked carrots ...

The cooked cold carrots are cut into small spells, chop onion and parsley finely and mix all three parts into a bowl. Whip all the marinated ingredients together, pour them over the carrots and mix well. The salad draws at least 1 hour in the refrigerator bef

Mains Freshly ground pepper Corn flour to jævning Salt ...

Cut the onions and garlic and season them in the oil. Cut the lamb into small fine tern (1x1 cm) and brown it with the onions. Add laurel leaves, curry, raisins and salt and pepper to taste. When the meat is browned add water and the right simmer at low heat f