Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Bread, buns & biscuits Poppy seeds Salt Together the beaten egg or egg white ...

Fat and flour is ground together. Salt and sugar added. Dissolve the yeast in a little of the lukewarm milk and pour in the batter along with the rest of the milk. The dough is kneaded. Highlights covered in a warm place for about 35 minutes. Kneaded and ro

Cakes in form Baking soda Vanilla sugar Chopped hazelnuts ...

Mix butter and sugar shallowly. Add the eggs one at a time, and mix it all fairly evenly. Add coffee and the chopped nuts and mix it well together. Mix cocoa in a little at a time. Mix the flour with the baking powder and vanilla sugar, and stir it into the ba

Cakes Boiling water Stir together for an appropriate consistency Whipped cream ...

For the dough comes the water, sugar and butter or margarine in a saucepan and boil this up. Pot is taken by the fire, and the flour is sprinkled with a spoon Stir in quickly. and the dough warmed for a moment, and then it's finished and cool off a bit, before

Cakes in form Banana slices Small teaspoon. Salt Strøget TSP. Clary ...

Butter or margarine, sugar and eggs whipped foamy. The spices mixed into the Rest of the ingredients. Add. The dough is stirred together. Pour into a well oiled rim form, which is sprinkled with breadcrumbs ca. 1 l. bake for about 40 minutes at 225 degrees C.

Cakes in form 1-2 tbsp. Rome 75-100 g. chocolate vermicelli Eggs ...

Dough: Beat the egg yolks, Water, Sugar and vanilla sugar light and frothy. Mix flour, cocoa, baking soda and maizenamel. Beat the egg whites until stiff, add a little by little the 50 g sugar under still whipping until the egg white foam is very rigid. Put e

Cakes Stir together into a homogeneous mass Small egg white Salt ...

Remember, everything you need for the gærdeje, must have room temperature before they begin, then the dough easier to work with, and the result better. The milk is poured into a dish, lunes and dissolve the yeast in it. Remember the yeast must not be heated

Cakes Cinnamon Brown sugar Butter or margarine ...

The milk and dissolve the yeast, herein, lunes which, however, must not be warmed with. Add the remaining ingredients and knead into the dough is uniform. Raises the bar for about 15 minutes in a warm place, covered. The dough is divided into two pieces, wh

Bread, buns & biscuits Grated shell of an orange Juice of 2 oranges about 1 dl Baking powder ...

Fat softened, wheat flour which baking soda and antler salt is charged and the other ingredients are mixed together, and it all touched to a uniform mass. Make the dough in a greased and floured baking Tin (2 ½ l.) and bake in the oven at 170 deg C in Groov