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Mains recipes

Mains Bears steak per person Oil Italian salad dressing ...

Cut all fat from steaken and mariner in dress no ca. 20 minutes. FRY at medium heat 4-6 minutes for red and 7-10 minutes for medium.

Mains Pepper Salt Basil ...

Chop onion, garlic, chilli and carrots. Fry the bacon dice and onions together in a large sauté pan or pot in 2-3 min. then add 500 grams of beef. When the meat is browned, add chopped tomatoes, concentrated tomato puree, garlic, chili pepper and carrots

Mains What you really want to of meat fish and vegetables Cheese Salt ...

wheat flour and margarine mixed (smullers) together. stir in the water very quickly. Gather for a real kugel. Can now be stored in the refrigerator in 1-2 24 hours a day. Rolled out to fit the pie plate. The filling will be honored on and egg mixture poured ov

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Chop the onion and garlic, Getting oil in a pan, pour the first sample contained therein. Let them be transparent. Then came white buds in. Saute the cards of. Then came the meat in and let it Brown. Add the chopped tomatoes with oregano and salt and pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Beef culotte ...

Remove the tendon on the bottom of the culotten, then pulls the one not so much together during frying. RIDs the fat layer on culotten and lace the roast. Snørringen gives a nicer rose. Culotten rub with salt and pepper and place it in a small baking pan. Brow

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Beef tyndstegen provisioned. Rub the roast with salt and pepper. Place it on the grate over the saucepan with curl fat side up. Brown roast 15 minutes at 250 degrees c. alm. oven. Reduce the heat to 100-120 degrees c. alm. oven and pour soup, broth or water

Mains Cream 13% Garlic Onion ...

Rub the meat with salt and garlic and place it on the grate over the saucepan. Brown the roast about 15 minutes at 225 degrees. Dim set by oven heat to 100-120 degrees c. alm. oven. Got a shared onion, red wine and broth in saucepan. Fry the meat 1 ¾-2 hours f

Mains Oil for Browning Salt Laced beef topside ...

Rub the meat with salt and Brown it well on all sides in a frying pan. Put the roast in a small baking pan. Set it in the oven at 100 degrees ... Fry the meat about 1 ¼-1 ½ hour to a kødtermometer in stegens Center show approximately 60 degrees.