Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Appetizers Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Pepper Salt ...

Pressure the tuna free of moisture, onion and Dill chopped fine. Everything is stirred well-and allow the EVS. mousse ½ hour before serving pull. Serve with a salad and French bread.

Base recipes Salt Oil Peeled potatoes ...

The peeled potatoes cut into cubes and cooked in unsalted water for about 15 minutes at low heat, covered, for the sake of evaporation. After a little cooling oil and salt, and add the liquid blended well and filtered. The potatoes must be mealy. Leave the liq

Soups Pepper Salt Parsley ...

Cut the vegetables into strips Slær flesh into small pieces Put meat, vegetables and grains in 2 l of water, sprinkle with salt and pepper and cook it about 2 hours Cream soup of and to. Chop the parsley and sprinkle with the server no Cooking approximate

Mains Cooking oil Pepper Salt ...

Thyme and Basil are burned in oil (flavor enhancer) Add the meat, onion, garlic, leek, carrot over high heat so it doesn't boil When the meat is sealed, add chopped tomatoes and bullion. The Court småsimrer while the pasta is made. Strong: Add a little chi

Sides Salt Water Unpeeled potatoes ...

1.2 kg of unpeeled potatoes are cooked until tender in water with added salt. They allow to cool slightly before they peeled and moses with a fork. Kartoffelmosen is on a melpudret Board, making an indentation in the Center which is filled with 2 egg yolks

Base recipes Oil Salt Strøget tbsp. honey ...

Cornflour and water boil for approximately 10 minutes. Fluid blended with the other ingredients and filtered through a dense sieve. The fineness of the corn flour is very different, therefore weight amount not be established with precision. You have no blender

Sauces Corn flour Pepper Salt ...

grate and squeeze the oranges and mix the juice with white wine. It boils down to half. Sacen smoothed over and taste it to meed salt and pepper.

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Blanche ´ the largest leaves from the salad. Then added the leaves of foil so they cover each other. The fish cut into thin slices and place on the leaves. The rest of the fish is chopped to father's. Forcemeat lubricated over fish and shrimp placed on top of