Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Sides Pepper Salt 13% ...

Stir in the chopped Kale, together with the cream and the whipped eggs. Peel the apples and cut them into small cubes. Turn the apples in green cabbage and season with salt and pepper. Fill the mixture in 4-6 small ovnfaste bowls (kokotter). Set them side b

Mains Margarine or oil Pepper Salt ...

2-3 hours before preparation or the night before: Share the chicken in 8-10 paragraph put it in a bowl and pour over the colaen, cover with staniol and style in a refrigerator. In preparation: fry the chicken pieces Brown in margarine, as far as possible, o

Mains Pepper Salt Breadcrumbs ...

Tenderloin plastered free of fat and sinew and cut into 1 cm thick slices. The slices are seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika, and Brown on the forehead in half of the butter. The loin is carried out by the Pan and place in a heat-proof platter. The onio

Mains Chilli, crushed Salt Sugar ...

Slice the chicken fillets into small cubes and FRY Brown in the oil ternerne. Add the chopped onion and FRY to slightly Golden. Add the tomato and coconut and cook for 3-5 min. season with curry powder, salt, a little sugar and possibly. Chili after tast

Sides Pepper Salt Fresh chopped oregano or Marjoram ...

Wash the potatoes thoroughly or peel the potatoes. Put the potatoes on a large piece of 3-4 or smaller pieces foil. came chopped herbs, butter, salt and pepper in the potatoes and wrap the foil tightly around. Behind the potatoes 45 minutes at 200 degree

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

The meat is stirred together with the chopped onion and other ingredients, to a real father, resting for half an hour. FRY in a mixture of butter and olive oil, or canola oil. servers with, cucumber salad, boiled potatoes and a Brown nice tow gravy, which h

Lunch Green Salad Jalapenios Olive oil ...

pour the Greek yogurt in a bowl and mix the Curry in. chop 2 cloves garlic and mix them up in yoghurt. flavor it with salt, pepper and curry powder. Crack ciabatta mended and butter both sides with yoghurt. Pour a good splash of olive oil up in a small bowl. c

Mains Fresh herbs Olive oil Pepper ...

saute the onion, garlic and the hakkkede meat Golden in olive oil. Add the thyme, chilli and mushrooms. Add half of the grated parmesan and sauté again, to that moisture has evaporated from the mushrooms. Cook the pasta in water with salt, and save a little of