Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Start with the potatoes, they take the longest time. -Bagekartoflerne peeled and cut in both. turn over with oil and seasoned with fresh chopped thyme, Sage, Rosemary, salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet with wax paper. Put in the oven for approxima

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Salt Ground cardamom ...

1. Milk lunes along with the oil, and when it's finger hot pour the yeast, salt, sugar and cardamom. When the yeast has dissolved, add most of the flour. The dough is kneaded thoroughly, add the etv. more flour, white it is plastered, but beware, the dough mu

Buffets Salt Sugar Wheat flour ...

Getting water in a saucepan and boil it up, then add the butter and flipped tl it is smæltet in water, came as salt, sugar, vanilla sugar in and turned to the right has brugst up, then add the flour and stir it all together into a big bun, beware of it not bur

Desserts (warm) Margarine Salt Sugar ...

Flour and eggs whip together well, milk is whipped in little by little. Salt and sugar added. Margarine is melted and stirred into the dough. A frying pan greased with margarine and warmed up. When the Pan is hot, bake the pancakes until golden. There wil

Mains Cauliflower Oksebov without legs Water ...

The meat is thoroughly rinsed in cold water, dried and covered with boiling water with salt. The meat is cooked gently, covered, about 1 ½ hours. In ½ litre of soup boil cauliflower and shredded carrots until tender. Bælgede peas cooked with the last 5 m

Salads Salt Orange-diced Coarsely grated apple-juice squeezed from ...

1. Yogurt mixed with salt and sugar. 2. The split Apple mix immediately in yoghurt (otherwise will be the Apple Brown) 3. Orange, celery and cucumber landed in. 4. garnish the salad with hazelnut flakes.

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sunflower kernels Fromage frais or fromage blanc 0.5% 0.5% ...

The yeast is touched out in lukewarm water. Then add the fromage frais, sugar and eggs, and then the mixture, beat well together. The grated carrots, sunflower seeds and everything is stirred in egg mixture. Finally, stir in the flour and the dough is mixed we

Sides Cream and suplere with water Boiled and crushed acorns Onion or garlic ...

Stir all ingredients together then forcemeat will be fixed. Fry the meatballs 2-3 min. on each side.