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Recipes with Salt

Mains Bananas Curry Pepper ...

Tenderloin cut into 2 cm thick slices, Brown, seasoned with salt and pepper. Be in a heat-proof platter. Above added banana and thin Leek slices. Whip the cream stiff and season with curry. This is distributed over the Court. Gratineres in 20 minutes in the mi

Appetizers Pepper Corn starch Salt ...

The carrot (peeled) and celery cut in small cubes. Onion peeled and chopped. Karryen Sauté in oil and sauté with vegetables. Add the broth and ægnudler. Let the soup bugs in 5 min. Stir the cornstarch with the sour cream and stir the mixture into the soup

Mains Green pesto for pasta Milk or sour cream Olive oil (preferably extra virgin cold press) ...

Prepare the water for pasta (water, oil, salt and, if desired, pesto) boil some water and dissolve the bouillon cube in 0, 3 l water. Clean and prepare the red pepper and scallions. cut the pepper into rings or long strips Chop garlic very fine and sh

Appetizers Dill Pepper Salt ...

Halve the eggs take the yolks out. Stir yolks with mustard go sour fraice, season with salt and pepper. Came the mass back in eggs ornaments with salmon and fresh dill. Tips: Garnish, if desired also with a little caviar.

Appetizers Pepper Salt Avocados diced ...

Grate the bread, mix mustard and parsley and butter it on. Advantage eggs and avocado on bread, drizzle with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Tips: Garnish with a little whole parsley.

Appetizers Dill Pepper Salt ...

Halve the eggs take the yolks out. Stir yolks with mustard go sour fraice, season with salt and pepper. Came the mass back in eggs ornaments with salmon and fresh dill. Tips: Garnish, if desired also with a little caviar.

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Pepper Salt ...

Fish cakes Cod fillet in a meat mincer or food processor and chop coarsely. Com forcemeat into a bowl and stir in the tough with salt. Eggs, flour and cream add a little at a time and stir well around, to the forcemeat has an appropriate texture. Carrot

Mains Salt Vinegar Buttermilk ...

mix vinegar garlic schampinon and buttermilk together. put there after kalekunfilerne in. let stand and pull in like in a few hours. Brown is after kalekun the files and then pour the butter-milk lagen in and let it simmer for a few hours Tips: URsovs.lav